I nodded lightly, my long curls dangling above my face hiding my slight grimace." Of course, please I just want to go home."

He stared at me for a short moment before nodding with a sigh and then he texted back my aunt Camille. " Okay, I have some work to do in the office but call me if you need anything."

" I might do that." I said as he helped me up from the bed and brought my sandals close to my feet. I almost jumped back into the bed once my toes had touched the ice cold floor. I went into the bathroom and changed into the pants and shirt my dad had brought along,

We then made our way down to the parking lot where I could spot my aunt's red Volvo. I breathed in the fresh air and focused on my footsteps, knowing that my dad would force me back into the hospital if I even stumbled a little.

Her blonde hair blew with the window as she rushed towards us." How are you feeling?"

" Better, I promise," I answered as I got into the car. Dad waved us goodbye and answered his phone before walking away to his car.

" Let's get you home okay?"Her voice sounded so distant, almost as her gaze. If there was anyone who was feeling more guilty than me at the moment it would be her. She had fought to keep me and Jack together after our mother was arrested. But that didn't work since she was too young to take us in and my dad wanted to keep me with him.

I sat down and buckled up, she double-checked my belt before putting hers on. I almost rolled my eyes since that made me feel like a toddler. My mind turned blank as I looked at her through the rearview mirror and I wondered how she could look so much like my mother despite their personalities being like day and night.

She turned the music down a little." I will just turn the music down a little, I know your head must be hurting."

I stay silent for the rest of the drive after our little chatting session. My eyes follow the busy road and the cars passing by us.

A few minutes later we pull up to my home and wait as the gates open. I got out of the car and stretched a little before we headed to the door.

" Oh, Hazel and Camillie you're already here?" My grandma said as soon as we entered the house. I could hear she was in the kitchen opening some cabinets.

" Hello Aunt Martha, I need to get something out of my car, I will be back quickly." Camile said before she hurried back to her car.

" Hi grandma," I had to bend down a little to hug her." I will take a shower and a nap."

" I made you some iced tea, I will bring you some fruit too." She said once we had pulled away from each other.

" Just the ice tea is fine, thank you grandma," I said and took the glass of tea.

" Go and rest then, alright?"

I nodded and headed up the stairs to my bedroom. I took a sip of my tea and then placed it on my nightstand. Then I went into my bathroom to take a quick shower.

I hopped out of the shower and put lotion on before working on my hair. I didn't have the energy to do my usual hair routine so I settled on oiling it and then I wrapped it up. I changed into my pajamas and grabbed my phone.

I went straight up to my bedroom after that and crawled into my bed. It wasn't even noon yet and still, I had the urge to take another nap. I get a ping on my phone it almost slips out of my hand as I rush to check it.

My shoulders slump down once I see it's Kai, 'I'm coming over just so you know and don't push me out of the window' he texted me.

I just replied with a thumbs up and sat up on my bed. Less than a minute later I hear a knock on my window and I see Kai's dark hair peaking up the window frame. " Come here, hold on this for me for a second."

He pushed his hands out and handed me a chessboard through the window which I quickly grabbed.

Intrigued, to say the least.

" Hey, I have been chasing you down since like freshmen to join the chess club, and now you hand me this?" I raised an eyebrow, not moving an inch.

" Stop questioning me," He chuckled giving me a knowing look." I know you want to play Benson."

" I see how it's, you want to play with me out of pity." I teased.

He waves dismissively at me before he climbs through the window." Okay, now move if you don't want to have another hospital visit."

I moved to the side and he landed with a 'thuds' on his feet. I turned my head up a little since he was a bit taller than me. He looked around my room and I held the chessboard close to me and went back to my bed." Thanks for coming to my rescue."

" Don't mention it, I'm just glad your alright." His gaze then falls on the patch on my forehead and he rubbed the back of his neck before he continued." Kind of alright, at least."

" Yeah, my head is the least of my worries."

He goes to my desk and then he twirls my gaming chair around to face me. He looks at the chessboard in my hands and points at." No, don't even think about me joining that club again, that's a gift from me to you."

" Come on, you like playing it and aren't you suspended from a few basketball games?" I frowned keeping myself from laughing. He was annoyingly good at chess and I couldn't understand why he didn't want to continue, okay he might not like the attention he gets when he plays but that wasn't the case when it came to basketball.

" I like playing with you, You're terrible at it by the way," A smug smile tugged on his lips. "Don't tempt me to embarrass you again."

Lie, he hasn't beaten me in an official game." You're full of shit Rosewood, stop dreaming."

"Fine, how are you? I mean with Jack and all?" He asked, leaning back into the chair with his arms folded over his chest.

" I just want to know that he is all right," I sighed tapping on the chessboard I lifted my gaze to meet his attentive ones." That's all."

He nods and we get interrupted by his phone ringing. He frowns as he answers it." Hey Dad, yeah? Alright, I will."

" What?" I asked once he was finished with his call.

" He wants me to check the boat, an alarm went off."

" Oh, alright, want me to tag along?"

He shakes his head." No, it's fine I will be back."

I placed the chessboard on the desk as he got up." Alright, don't chicken out on me."

My bedroom door swings open and we both turn to face my grandmother who's holding a tray with fruit.

" Haz-Oh hey young man, don't tell me you got in through the window again?" Grandma was ready to lecture Kai once again, she always complained that someday one of us will fall and get injured from climbing trough each other windows.

He looked at me with fear in his eyes and I looked back at Grandma. She shook her head and went over to my desk. " Have some fruits before you go,  I know Hazel won't finish this all by herself."

" Grandma, who says I want to share?" I was offended by her statement and I raised a hand to my chest in disbelief. She never failed to scowl me in any situation she could find.

To my surprise, Kai takes a piece of mango and follows Grandma to my bedroom door.
" I know, how does she think will heal from her injury if she doesn't eat?" He said and trailed after my grandmother who let out a grunt of agreement.

" I told her to take her vitamins but she doesn't listen, she ages me young man." I hear her complain and they shut my door after them.

I sat back on my bed in complete silence listening to them as they continued to complain about my bad habits. I was going to destroy Kai at the match later that was a promise.

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