"Glad you at least stopped the haemorrhage." He said in relief as he slid in the latex gloves on his hands and began cleaning the blood around the laceration with cotton that was dipped in alcohol.

Yangyang hunched down, examining the bullet that peeked beneath his torn muscle that contracted and relaxed as the blood pumped profusely around it, and he shook his head.

"Lay down. You're going to be on anaesthetics. No surgery is needed as it is a surface wound, but I need to get the bullet out." Yangyang explained as he grabbed the injection, drawing liquid from a small bottle filled with propofol, a general anaesthetic.

"Tell Mark Hyung that-"

"Yes, Renjun will convey. Now stop talking." Yangyang quickly cut him off.

Donghyuck did not pay much heed to the injury as his mind wandered constantly about the mission and their encounter with Cipher, which turned all their plans upside down; his brain was consistently trying to map a new way to proceed with the mission.

If there was anything Donghyuck despised, it was failing to perfect his work. He was a perfectionist through and through, and though everyone around reassured him, he always went hard on himself until he met the target he had set his eyes on-even if it meant pushing himself to the limit.

"How long to heal?" Donghyuck asked in a hushed tone, and Yangyang let out nothing but a deep sigh at the ridiculous question.

"It missed your brachial artery by an inch or two, so be grateful you are still breathing right now." The medic stated sternly as he injected the liquid intravenously, wary not to cause any discomfort to the male, who simply blinked at the ceiling, zoning out.

"Such an idiot." Yangyang's words in Chinese were the last thing that reached Donghyuck's ears before his eyelids drooped and his vision blacked out.

"Oh, dorm? I thought we were heading to the hq." Jina mumbled in a muffled tone as her vision began blurring with every passing second, and she blinked twice to readjust her sight.

"Taeil Hyung is here. Only Taeyong Hyung is staying over at the hq tonight." Jaehyun said as he threw Jina's arm over his shoulder, with his hand gripping onto the hem of her shirt to keep her balance steady.

"Just.. don't pass out." Jaehyun let out an attempt to comfort her and she chuckled, bobbing her head in a quick nod.

"A minute or two before I pass out, I guess." She shrugged lethargically, as the two head towards the door and Jaehyun pushed down the doorbell.

And within a few seconds, the door swung open so quickly to reveal a concerned Taemi who had shock plastered on her faces when she caught sight of the elder who was injured.

"Oh, hi Taemi." Jina raised her hand that was smeared with her blood to wave at her before she saw a figure storming in her direction and she knew it was Johnny.

"What the hell-" Johnny uttered, assisting her by her hand as Jaehyun slipped out of her arm and all of them stepped in allowing Taemi to shut the door close.

"Call for Taeil hyung, hurry." Johnny ordered Jungwoo who was seated om the couch with confused gaze eyeing Jina in Johnny's hold before he immediately stood up and rushed to the call for the medic.

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