Mama Mistake

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"Thanks, Mama-"

That one line. That one little utterance and all hell had broken loose within 1-A during their Art History Period. And in the centre of such chaos was a poor brunette that was visibly embarrassed by such an accidental slip of the tongue. Though her eyes were hidden by her hands as they held her head, the magenta hue they had taken only added to the visible embarrassment she was experiencing. Thankfully though, the teacher for this period was just as flustered, though much quicker to recover.

"*Ahem* Okay class that's enough of that. There is nothing wrong with an innocent slip of the tongue." Midnight had spoken, though it seemed the class had other plans and were still at least softly chuckling at poor Yukia's expense. Though Rootsie shyly smiled behind her hands, feeling a little reassured by her teacher. Midnight herself didn't feel that the message was received, so grabbed her curled whip from its holster and cracked it against the floor. Silence followed swiftly, each student looking at Midnight in slight fear of such an action being taken.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Rootsie blurted out amidst the silence, her eyes now an icy blue to show her fear and panic for having disrupted the class and caused a commotion, though indirectly.

Midnight did not speak for a few moments after Yukia's apology, instead gave her signature predatory grin to instil a sense of fear within the class before composing herself and holstering her whip, returning to the podium to continue with the class. "Yukia-chan? Would you mind staying behind after class? Nothing serious I promise you." Midnight smiled softly, wanting to reassure the distressed brunette that she wasn't in trouble and that something as innocent as being referred to as a mother figure was something most kids did. The student felt more nervous about the teacher's opinions than anything else, feeling the infamous sick feeling when she was anxious. What if she was disappointed? What if she wanted to make a big joke out of it?

After class had ended and everyone had gone off for lunch break, Mizuno hung back a little to make sure Yukia was fine before heading to the cafeteria himself, Midnight had remained at the podium while Yukia was still sitting in her seat. Her head was hung to hide her yellow-green eyes.

"L-Let's be honest. This will not be forgotten easily. I'm g-going to be the laughing stock for the rest of the year, aren't I?"

Her fears were not unfounded, and Midnight understood that. So, she took action. The click of her heeled boots was the only noise within the now empty classroom moving closer to the brunette until the heroine was standing right in front of the desk, opting to take a seat on the desk in front of the distraught students to allow a bit more civility between the two. "It's not something unheard of Yukia-chan. Besides, I'm honestly flattered you'd think of me like a mother." She smiled, cupping her cheek as she thought back to her personal life and the prospect of motherhood exciting her all the more. She shook her head a little to return to the present, wanting to ensure the poor girl had her undivided attention.

"W-well, you give me the chance to well... express myself creatively, and I get to talk about Uncle Sully a lot. He's so amazing!" She tried to make this a more calming conversation, mentioning the famous artist that is Mizuno's father. "I never get to talk about it a lot outside of this class. No one else matches my enthusiasm for his work compared to you." Her facial features softened, feeling a little calmer and a little happier, her now glistening golden yellow hues telling the Pro Hero that she was hopeful she understood her.

"Well, it only helps that such a talented artist like yourself would know about a famous master such as Sullivan Mizuno." Midnight tried to keep professional, but the mention of her idol in the artistic world had the woman practically fangirling on the inside. That energy and enthusiasm were causing her to hug herself and begin wriggling as she smiled gleefully. "Oh, it just makes me swoon at how he can capture something and make it come to life! The truest form of expression is capturing a moment and seeing it move instead of painting a still."

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