Chapter 1

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Today is September first, the day I dread most. Not because of school, because as soon as I step foot out of my house it will become a chase.

I look in the mirror a final time and watch as my skirt flows in the sunlight. My hair is angled around my face perfectly and my tights are for once not ripped.

"Sierra, Hurry up or ve'll be late!" Says my brother Karl, who's been watching me for the last half an hour while sitting on my bed, kicking his legs.

"You go ahead, tell Mamma and Pappa I vill be there in a second" I say as I hear his footsteps fading away.

'Okay this can't be as bad as last year' I reassure myself before grabbing my bag and leaving my bedroom.

"Finally she has graced our presence" my Pappa says jokingly. "Oh be quiet" I say shoving his arm gently.

"Are you ready for...E..Skool?" My Mamma says trying to find the right words.

The reason we were all speaking English was because my Mamma and Pappa had been told that a chosen few students would be going to 'Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry' which was in England. Of course I knew I was going because my parents are friends with professor Aaberg, plus it would be good publicity for the school. Ironically It was my Mamma's idea to practice speaking English but even my 8 year old brother could speak it better than her!

"Yes mamma" I reply softly straining a smile as we walk out of the house. Immediately we are hit by flashing lights and loud voices taking photos of us. "Gi oss et smil!" (Give us a smile) I manage to pick out from the many voices of the paparazzi as I slowly climb into the car, hating every moment.

"Do yu have all your bags?" My Pappa asks "Yu better, vi'm not going back out there" my brother says and we all burst out laughing.

At the train station...

"Sierra!" I whip around to see Asvoria, my best friend. "Asvoria!" I say before pulling her in a tight embrace.

"You didn't reply to my texts bitch" she whispers in my ear making sure no one hears. "Sorry, I had to disable it" I say shrugging, pulling out of the hug.

"I think I packed too much" I groan looking at my Pappa and Karl attempting to get my bags out of the boot. "Holy crap you did" she says in amazement. "Which reminds me, we need to go shopping!" She says excitedly and we both squeal.

When my bags are finally on the train stations floor my Pappa kisses my forehead "Make us proud" he says looking down at me before Karl leaps at me nearly making me fall over.

Finally my mamma wishes me good luck. "Have fun in England...but..uhm..don't have too much, and call vus!" She says wrapping me in her warm arms. "I vill call yu as soon as I have permission" I say giving her a final kiss on the cheek.

Asvoria and I finally find a cabin to sit in and put down our bags tiredly.

"Did yu hear about the trip, going to Hogwarts?" I say excitedly.

"Yes, my Pappa told me about it!" She replies beaming.

Just then our cabin door opens and to our delight we see the familiar faces of Bjorn and Fredrik, some of our friends.

Nothing without you [Viktor Krum x reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu