-Chapter Seventeen- Weight of the World

Start from the beginning

Varian snickered. "Oh, I'm pretty sure they and everyone else have their hands full."

"Varian!" Y/n hissed in a whisper. He might have just outed them to Rapunzel!

Rapunzel looked confused. "What do you mean?"

The alchemist looked at Y/n and seemed to instantly realize his mistake, scrambling to correct it. "Uh n-nothing. Uh, it's just, um..." Varian turned away from Rapunzel, and Y/n mentally facepalmed. "They have their hands full... every day?"

He laughed nervously, turning back to face the two princesses and putting his free hand out to lean on a wall. "Corona, you know? Busiest kingdom on earth-"

He was interrupted as the wall he leaned on suddenly pushed inwards, triggering yet another booby trap.

Varian looked down with a shout as the floor suddenly collapsed from under him.

"Whoa! Oh!"

Y/n stopped breathing, and she swore that she felt her heart stop as Varian fell towards the abyss beneath him. She lunged for him desperately, but she knew she wouldn't make it in time.

He's going to die! It's your fault! You're going to lose him-

At the last second, Varian's staff caught on the edges of the hole beneath him, leaving him dangling over the void. Y/n breathed a quick sigh of relief.

"Varian!" she cried as she ran over to where Varian was hanging. "Hang on!"

"Way ahead of you!" he called back, staring downwards at the black expanse beneath him.

Y/n ran to the side of the pit and wrapped her hands around Varian's staff, pulling as hard as she could. For a brief moment, she was terrified that the wood was going to snap, but it held strong as she hauled Varian over the edge and back onto solid ground.

He smiled at her gratefully, and looked like he was about to say something- but he was interrupted as the walls began to shake once more.

Y/n spun around to see the floor behind them beginning to collapse, pieces of stone falling into a black void below.

"What do we do?" asked Varian in a panic.

"I'm gonna go with... run!" Y/n shouted, grabbing Varian's hand and pulling him along behind her as Rapunzel ran next to them.

The three were breathing heavily as they sprinted down the chamber, Ruddiger at their heels and Pascal on Rapunzel's shoulder, the floor crumbling beneath them.

Rapunzel suddenly stopped, and Y/n turned to her, confused. Why isn't she still running?

Without warning, Rapunzel unwound the beads from her braid, releasing her long golden hair, spilling it across the stones. Y/n bit back the hatred and rage that arose upon seeing it in its full glory- much as she hated it, Rapunzel might have a plan.

She tossed the hair like a lasso, looping it around one of the support beams in the ceiling. She tugged on it once to check the beam's stability, and then gestured to Y/n and Varian.

"Come on, guys!" she called. "This way!"

The two teenagers ran to Rapunzel, and Varian put his staff on his back, hooking it through a loop in his satchel. Varian linked one of his arms with Rapunzel's, and Y/n clung to him tightly, Ruddiger wrapping around her legs. This might have been embarrassing in other circumstances, but at the moment, her primary goal was not falling to certain death.

She did make a point not to make physical contact with Rapunzel, though. She still had standards.

The floor underneath them crumbled into nothing, leaving the three dangling in midair. Y/n's breathing began to speed up as they hung, and desperately tried not to look down- heights were not her thing.

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