Chapter 3

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It had almost been a year since Uki moved in with Ike, and the two boys still hadn't moved out of this small apartment the psychic loved so much - to Ike's despair. That evening, Uki had been losing his mind over the stupid fruit game that everyone was then playing, and the writer decided to join him and support him the only way he could do so when the man was streaming: by joining the open call two hours after Uki started.


Uki's stream was very comfy and chill, just like any of his stream. The stargazers were probably all wrapped up in their blankets, coffee and nice food at arm distance. The psychic little crow noises were the cutest thing ever, and everyone would coo at him because, honestly, who wouldn't?

And amongst those viewers was Uki's number one Stargazer: Ike. The man was sitting in his own work booth, sipping on a can of coke and watching the man on his screen. He didn't want to join the call too early, since he had told Uki he had some offline work to get through. Obviously this was a lie for him to join later on and surprise them. Plus, Ike was kind of hoping that more people would jump in the call, so that his appearance wouldn't get suspicious.

This was how Ike spent the two first hours of the stream, watching his lover as he, himself, played the game on his side. Thanks to the psychic calm attitude towards the game, the writer didn't get mad at the game even once. Ike almost wished he had a warm blanket to wrap himself into as he played, but he felt already so cosy he didn't want to move from his room.

At some point, Ike kind of got lost into watching the pretty person on the screen - aka Uki - and sat there, thinking about how lucky he felt to be able to call them his lover. He loved the psychic so much that every day seemed like a fever dream. He was so scared to wake up one day and find out this was all some crazy work of his imagination. Uki was however now around to show him every day that this was all real. The kisses, the deep conversations, the childish games they'd get into, those feelings that bubbled inside of him every time the purple head was around - all of these were enough to tell the blue guy that this was real life.

This was his life.

And God Damn did he love his life!

Snapping back to reality, the man finally realised it had been two hours since Uki started his stream and, frankly speaking, Ike felt horrible at knowing the only person that came around was Kotoka. Obviously everyone was very busy, and he was sure Uki knew that as well, but he still felt like shit. So, not losing another second, Ike hoped in the call, ready to give all the needed support the other may need.

"Hi, Uki.", was all that he said when joining, but it was enough to scare the psychic, to which Ike quickly apologised before asking how he was doing. Followed small conversations in between the two of them, both hating on the fruits. "Should I not jinx it?" Ike asked after telling Uki how good he was doing.

"No, it's okay." Uki replied. "I'm kinda just dead inside." They laughed together before getting on with other conversations about how much they hate the fruits.

Conversation after conversation, Uki went through the game, with Ike still jinxing everything by telling his lover how good he was at the game. In all fairness, at some point, Ike ended up so scared of jinxing him that he basically stopped talking, even though the whole point of him being on call was to speak.

But that comfortable silence was just a proof of how well they felt around each other in general.

When finally Uki got his suika, he just lost it and Ike deflated. Even Kotoka came back into the call to congratulate him then left. There was nothing left for Uki to fight for in the game. He got the watermelon and that was all that mattered. By then, Uki honestly just wanted the game to end, though it seemed to never come to an actual end.

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