"yessir." i reply, trying to sound confident.

10 laps later, and i was still in the race thankfully not having crashes yet. i couldn't say the same for some other drivers. thankfully no one was hurt.
currently, i was in p5 and there was two laps left.

the four ahead of me were:

p1 - dennis hauger
p2 - jak crawford
p3 - zac o'sullivan
p4 - kimi antonelli

behind me was zane maloney, he had been behind me for most of the previous 10 laps.

"maloney 0.377 behind angel, keep him there."

he was getting closer and closer, but i couldn't let him pass me. turn 4 was coming up, and he was right behind me.

he goes to undertake me...

"angel are you okay?"

"i'm ok." i reply, before looking around the car. i immediately notice zane maloney car beside mine.

i get out of the car and head straight over to zane, who was still getting out of his car.

"are you alright?" i ask, approaching him.

"yeah, i'm fine. you?"

"i'm fine....but you know next race maybe don't fucking crash into me and ruin my race."

"don't talk like you wouldn't do the exact same thing."

"no i wouldn't do that! i don't crash into people purposefully. if i was in your situation i was pull out, so why don't you stop talking like you know ow me at all!" i say, raising my voice now.

before he could speak again, i turn and walk away.

i head to to the garage, keeping my helmet on to protect my hair from the rain.

"angel, come here." jules says as soon as i get to the garage. clearly he was waiting for me.

"im sorry jules." i reply, before taking my helmet off.

"everyone could see that wasn't your fault. but your brother is on the podium, zac too." jules says, and my face lights up.

"can we go?" i ask and jules nods.

3 minutes later, i was stood with the mechanics below the podium. the top three were zac, kimi and dennis hauger who won the race.

kimi spots me right away and smiles  down at me. i return the smile, my dimples showing. when kimi gets given the trophy, i cheer for him despite being different teams.

once the podium was over, the art mechanics and engineers go to greet zac but i go to meet kimi. i could congratulate zac back at the garage.

as soon as kimi spots me, he runs over to me. he goes to hug me, and thankfully i didn't flinch away. i place my arms around him, and he does the same.


"are you okay? did it hurt anywhere?" kimi asks once letting me go.

"i'm fine i promise, just my dislike of maloney has increased." i say, trying to make a joke of it.

"don't worry, your not alone with that. you did so good and he ruined it by pulling that dangerous move."

"at least he didn't get any points either."

"and your still leading the championship." kimi says, trying to make my mood better. it worked a little, but not too much.

"it's a long championship kimi, and there's still tomorrow."

"there's always another race." he says, basically repeating with i had just said.

"except after abu dhabi." i correct him.

"well no, because then you have the next season." he corrects me to which i playfully role my eyes.

"well i have to go to aston martin soon, but ill see you tomorrow."

"why not tonight?"

"im going out."

"who with?" kimi questions me.

"just two friends."

"but who lina?" he asks again. why did he need to know who i was going out with? and i could swear i've already told him.

"oscar and logan if you really need to know. i'm pretty sure i already told you that." i say, before walking off into art.

i could hear him sigh behind me before walking away.

kimi's pov:

"im going out." angel says.

ollie said that she was going out with oscar and logan, but i can't help but to worry that she's going out with whoever she was out with last night.

but ollie also said that he saw luke walking back to his hotel room. and when i asked luke he said angel did stay with him?

either ollie is lying to me, or most people are lying and ollie is telling the truth?

i don't want to think ollie is lying to me, but if it was him or angel. i would pick angel in a millisecond.

"who with?" i ask.

"just two friends." she replies, annoyance in her tone. i know im annoying her with my questions, but i really need to find out who hurt her. and then, well i don't know what i would do.

"but who lina?" i ask again.

"oscar and logan if you really need to know. i'm pretty sure i already told you that." she says before walking off.

i sigh and shake my head before walking away.

so, ollie told the truth about who she was going out with. but then was luke and angel lying about where she stayed last night? or was ollie lying about that?

god why is this so confusing? i need to find out what has happened, and soon. before anything else can happen to her.

|| authors note ~ hope you enjoy 🫶🏼

it's miami race weekkkkk

to the finish line || ollie bearmanWhere stories live. Discover now