"Anything specific you'd like to know? Any terms or something?" Lily asked her, fully prepared to enlighten her on everything the girl would ask about.

"Rather than the sport, I'd like to know about the drivers, especially since you want to introduce me to Oscar," Mira nervously scratched her neck, "maybe it would be better if I knew something about them."

"And which team do you want to start with? But I warn you, because I don't know all of them either. Sometimes I greet them when I'm with Oscar, and we even see some of them outside, but there are some who have never greeted me because our paths never crossed," the blonde warned her in advance.

Mira expected that. She definitely didn't expect Lily to be friends with everyone - she knew her well enough to know that the girl beside her was shy. It surprised her that she even exchanged a few words with some of them. After all, even on Instagram, she was private because she was bothered by how fans invaded her privacy.

"How about McLaren? Starting with Oscar's team would be best," Mira smiled.

"Lando Norris," Lily began, "drives with number 4, but believe me, nobody pays attention to those numbers."

"So why do they have them?" the brunette didn't understand. Lily thought for a moment, and when she realized she didn't have an answer, she just shrugged.

"He's two years older than us, but believe me, if I tell you now that he behaves more like a little kid than all the little kids you know," she continued telling the story, "he started a Youtube channel with his friends, Quadrant, during Covid, and actually, we make fun of him with Oscar, that he does everything but drive a Formula."

"Does he do everything?" the girl still didn't understand. Maybe she might have appeared quite annoying, constantly asking about something, but she genuinely didn't know much about Formula and its drivers. She stopped being interested after she broke up with Oscar's rival - since then, she had seen only a few races. She only saw the ones Lily forced her to watch when she flew to visit her.

"Golf, weightlifting, surfing, skiing, YouTube, karting, photography, DJing. That guy is full of talent," Lily explained to her, "he just can't seem to win first place."

And thanks to the last sentence, Mira could categorize the driver because Formula occasionally popped up on her TikTok, and a driver who held the record for the most podiums but no wins often appeared. Even fans started making fun of him.

"Oscar is also good friends with Logan Sargeant and Yuki Tsunoda," Lily continued.

"Yuki Tsunoda?" she interrupted her, "why does that name sound Japanese?"

"Because he is Japanese," Lily smiled, "I think you'll get along. He loves food just like you."

And there it was again. Food. Mira hoped that at least with Lily, they wouldn't talk about food, because she knew very well what the girl struggled with when she was younger. She knew herself what kind of comments fans left under her photos. She knew very well the reason why she disappeared from social media in 2020 and didn't show up for the whole year.

So why did they have to start talking about food again? Isn't Yuki known for something other than just liking food?

"And he's also small but cute. You'll love him," Lily seemed to ignore what she had said a moment ago. Maybe she was deliberately trying to ignore it because she realized what she had said and was trying to fix it. Mira smiled to make the blonde not feel bad.

"If you like him, then I'll definitely like him too," the brunette grabbed the girl's hand, "because you always like only the best."

"He races for VisaCashRB."

SMALL BEAN // F1 YUKI TSUNODAWhere stories live. Discover now