15. Big Brother Pt.2

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Owen nervously paced back and forth on the catwalk. He knew he had to tell his colleague and friend about his relationship with Amelia. He had been keeping this secret for weeks now and the guilt was eating away at him. He figured Derek would be opposed to it, especially since Amelia was his little sister, and Owen was not exactly known for his stable relationships. He didn't even know what he and Amelia were, she never seemed to want to clarify, and he didn't want to assume anything serious was going on between them.

But the time had come to come clean. As Owen spotted Derek walking towards him from down the hallway, his heart began to race; he seemed to already be in a bad mood. "Hey Shepherd," Owen greeted Derek, trying to sound casual, "Everything okay?"

Derek shook his head and sighed, pulling off his scrub cap. "Meredith and I keep fighting about the DC thing. And I just lost one of my long time patients..."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Owen sympathized, "Actually there was something that I wanted to talk to you about..." An awkward silence reigned between them as Owen tried to find the right words, "Well, your sister figured that I should tell you about it..."

"Just spit it out, Hunt," Derek snapped, clearly not in the mood for small talk.

Gathering all his courage, Owen blurted out, "I...I've been seeing Amelia."

Derek's initial reaction was shock, but then his face turned red with rage. "What?"

"Uh, yeah," he admitted, quickly adding, "But it's nothing serious, so I'd prefer if we kept this between us. We're just sleeping together, I think. Actually, I'm not sure, and Amelia doesn't seem to want to clarify—,"

"What kind of a man are you?" Derek exclaimed, boiling with anger now.

"I'm not following..."

"You're sleeping with my sister and you won't even claim her? And now you want me to keep it a secret?!" Derek's voice rose as he continued, "She's not just some random woman, Hunt. She's my baby sister! You are her boss, you're taking advantage of her."

Owen's eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not taking advantage," he defended himself, "Amelia is as much of an adult as I am, and this is as much of her decision as it is mine."

"Oh really?" Derek laughed bitterly, "So she told you that she's okay with sneaking around, hiding in on call rooms, pretending you two aren't together?"

"Well, not exactly..." Owen tried to explain himself, but Derek was beyond reason. "Look Derek, your sister is very...volatile. She's easy to scare." The more Owen talked, the more Derek wanted to punch him. "I'm just going with the flow, and if it's just sex that she wants, that she's comfortable with, then I'm okay with—," The next thing Owen knew, Derek clocked him, square in the face.

Owen recoiled in shock, placing a hand to his now sore jaw as he stumbled backwards. "Did you just hit me?" Before he could utter another word, Derek was coming towards him again. The news of Owen's betrayal had been the final straw for him. Amidst all the challenges he was facing, this betrayal from a friend had made him snap.

"Screw you," he said through gritted teeth, raising his other hand to punch him. Owen avoided it expertly and retaliated this time, punching the surgeon in the gut. Derek doubled over, gripping his stomach as he heaved.

"Look, I know that you're mad about the patient, and the whole thing with DC," Owen said, "And I know you're probably not completely overjoyed about..." Derek charged into him, wrapping his arms around his torso as the two crashed to the floor. They now had everyone's undivided attention as he pummelled the trauma surgeon's face. Owen easily pushed Derek off of him and then threw himself on top, getting in a good few punches before he felt someone pulling on the back of his scrub top.

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