Chapter 4

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[Tom Riddle's Pov]

Peverell was intriguing. His eyes were always straying from me and he didn't speak much, yet I could tell he was confident with his straight posture and hard look in his eyes.

He had his hands in front of him, clasped together tightly. I don't know why but something about him maybe me curious.


I snapped out of my reverie and looked at Peverell with a raised eyebrow. He sighed and rolled his beautiful emerald green eyes and said, "If you weren't stuck in your thoughts you would've noticed that we're already in front of the Slytherin common room." Peverell said snarkily.

I raised an eyebrow and glanced to the direction Peverell was facing. My eyes narrowed, how did Peverell know this was the Slytherin common room? it was just a blank stone wall.

"How did you know this was where the Slytherin common room was located?" I queried icily, this boy was strange, very strange. 

"Intuition," he shrugged and eyed me. "Are you going to say the password now or do I have to stand here for you to come to focus?"

I glared, "Pureblood," I roughly gestured for Peverell to enter. He grimaced but followed.

[Harry's pov]

The Slytherin common room was green, really really green. Did they have no other colour choices? I mean sure, the Gryffindor common room consists of many Red materials but there are some yellows and blacks.

I gazed around, noticing many students were sitting in the common room either playing games, studying, or just sitting there staring into space in general. Ugh. I don't want to spend most of my life here.




A voice startled me out of my thoughts and I turned to scowl at the person who did. It was Riddle. I scowled even more. "What?" I lightly sneered, crossing my arms. He growled. Fucking animal.

"The Slytherin dorms are upstairs. Find your room. Oh, and Peverell?" Riddle slid closer to me until our noses were inches apart. "I run this house, so you better obey me." he whispered snottily and in a low tone.

I rolled my eyes, "You wish, Riddle." and with one final glare I was on my way to the dorm that was chosen for me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Riddle looking shocked and glowering. I smirked.


This dorm wasn't so bad. If you ignore the fact I share it with a Malfoy, Black and Riddle. And some guy named Avery but he didn't matter.

I sighed and unlocked my trunk, which by the way, was sealed with parseltongue passwords and some in the language of Death. 

I let my hand roam on the silk covers of the bed, they were smooth beneath my skin and I already wanted to snuggle into them. Though my 'dorm mates' would find that weird because, well, who sleeps in the evening?

Pushing that thought aside, I looked through my trunk, sorting everything out by hanging clothes neatly and placing them in the wardrobe next to my bed. Once I did that I took out my most prized belongings.

Gently, I placed the Marauders map, the cloak of invisibility and the necklace Sirius gifted me before he.. died.

It wasn't something extravagant, I wasn't much into that, but it wasn't boring either. It was a quaint silver chain that held a small grim on it. Symbolising Padfoot. Remus gave me a bland ring, yet I cherished it very much. It was made from gold yet wasn't very heavy and was a little thin, it held RHS on it, (Remus, Harry, and Sirius).

I loved these very much and valued them, keeping them secret to the world. Abruptly, a dark haired male entered the room and he startled. 

The new person noticed Harry and cheerfully sparked a conversation. "Hello! You must be Harry Peverell, it's lovely to meet you!" 

Harry leisurely turned but grew speechless once he saw Sirius.


The Sirius look a like jumped when Harry suddenly screamed, "What are you talking about!?" he shot back, bemused. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?" Harry screeched and ran out of the room, wanting to clear his head.

The black haired male, known now as Orion, raised both eyebrows and jumped up the ceiling and ate the wall and he made out with Abraxas what is happening.


Help idk what i wrote im so bORED

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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