Chapter one

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Harry rushed to grab Sirius, desperate for his godfather not to fall into the veil of death.

A pair of arms grabbed him, preventing him from reaching his godfather. Harry swirled his head and instantly met milky brown eyes, he recognised him as Remus Lupin.

"Remus! please- let go of me!" The raven haired teen tried yanking his hands away from the death hold Remus had on him, in vain of course. 

"Harry no, if I let you go I know you'll follow Sirius and then both of you will be gone. I-i can't allow that Harry-"

"I don't CARE! let me bloody GO!" Harry screamed, tears escaping his verdant eyes.

Remus grabbed Harry's waist and brought him into a hug, making sure Harry didn't get a view of Sirius falling to his death. 

Harry screamed and screamed until his throat closed up and he couldn't scream any more.

Eventually Sirius did fall into the veil, but not before sending Remus and Harry a sad smile. Harry growled and pushed himself off of Remus, and began running towards Bellatrix, where she was cackling insanely.

"CRUCIO!" he shouted, breathing heavily. Harry knew that was wrong, shooting an unforgivable at someone, but he didn't care, after all, she killed Sirius.

Bellatrix fell to the ground, shrieks emitting from her ugly mouth as the spell hit her dead on. Harry stood in front of her, wand pointed at her face as she writhed on the marble floor.

The green eyed teen held a predatory grin on his blemished faces, a shadow covering his eyes.

Bellatrix twisted her body until she was face-to-face with the boy-who-lived. She smirked, "Awe, itty bitty Potty can't even handle his godfathers dea-" she was cut off by a scream emitting from her throat as Harry grabbed her wand and stabbed the sharp item in her chest.

He towered over her and cackled insanely, "Awe, Bella can't even deal with a small pain? How unfortunate." he finished and dug the wand deeper into her chest.

Eventually the light in the crazed woman's eyes died down and she stopped breathing. Harry stood back up, a bloody wand in his hand. 

"Harry-" Remus tried grabbing at Harry, ignoring how he just killed Sirius' cousin. Said boy turned and glared at Remus.

"You," he growled.

Remus hesitated and took a step back. Tears escaped the emerald eyed boy and he just stood silently. 

Harry started walking towards the veil of death and forbade Remus to follow him. He reached the barrier blocking the living from the dead. The black haired male ran his fingers over the dark frame and sighed sadly. 

All of a sudden, Harry let out a pained shout and fell to the ground. Remus immediately rushed to his cub and held him in confusion.

Currently the others, aurors, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville, Ginny, they were in a different room down the hallway where loud shouts and noises echoed from there. So it was only Remus, Harry and Bellatrix's dead body in the room.

"AH!" He screeched once more as he felt a pain in his back, hands, jaw and head. "Harry? Har what's wrong, cub?" Remus panicked but stopped in astonishment as bloody golden wings erupted from Harry's back, spraying scarlet liquid everywhere.

His skull split into two lines and out emerged two horns which were black and golden at the tip. A long sharp tail appeared from Harry's a little below Harry's back. It was the colour black with a sharp arrow like shape at the end.

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