chapter 2 - Let's make a tape

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Adam's (what if i change his name to baldwin?) muscular body pushes down on my, trapping me from getting up from his chair. His lips morph into a devilish smirk as he bends down to kiss me. (ew) I throw my arms around his shoulders and he clicks a few buttons on his computer with his mouse before wrapping his arms around my waist. After a few minutes we move over to the bedroom, and well...let's just say what happens next is a little...𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 🫦👅🔥 

Adam and I were sat beside each other on the sofa surfing the TV channels. We weren't paying so much attention to the TV though, we were just spending quality time together. Ever since Adam's secret asmr channel had got out our relationship had gotten stronger. There were no more secrets, no drama, just us peacefully spending our days alongside one another. We were blissfully unaware of the turmoil yet to come, though we would soon find out. There was a heavy knock on the door. Adam began to shift out from beside me but I stopped him. "You stay there I'll get the door instead", I sternly told him. He slouched back on the sofa and turned his focus to the soap opera on the TV. I shuffled my way over to the door and carefully opened it revealing a woman in her late 50s. "Hi, do you need something?", I asked a little impatient since it's my day off. The woman peeked into my apartment and gestured me to follow her. Against common sense, I decided to follow her downstairs to chat outside. I closed the door behind me and me and the unfamiliar woman made our way down the apartment complex stairs in a strange silence. Though we were strangers I didn't feel any sense of danger. Maybe it was because even though I know for a fact that I've never seen this woman in my life before she reminded me of someone I know. She led me all the way to a small cafe table where we sat down in an awkward silence. I was really doubting my decision to follow her here in the first place but she cut my train of thought with her cold words. "So you seem to be dating my son". She said, but not with a warm expression, or an excitement to meet her daughter-in-law, but disappointment. Then the gravity of her words hit me. Her son? Adam? I was just processing the situation I just got myself in when I noticed her patience with me was running thin. "If you mean Adam, then yes I am" I finally replied. "Hmph", I could tell she wasn't at all impressed when she looked me up and down again. She sighed, "Was it the money?". My brows furrowed at her question, the confusion evident. She took another look at my face and continued, "Are you dating my son for his money?" My expression stilled and I looked at her firmly since I still held some hope for getting along with her. "No, I'm not dating him for his money. I sincerely love him." I confidently said. She looked as if she didn't believe me and started digging through her purse. She pulled out a yellow envelope and slid it across the table to me. "There's 50 000 bitcoin currency on the bank account inside this envelope."

My fake smile dropped and I looked at her coldly. She looked at my expression and growled, "What, like you aren't a gold-digging, money-grubber, pheasant, lower-middle class ho!". She grabbed a glass full of water from the waiter passing by delivering an order and threw it on me, getting me completely wet from the waist up. "YOU BIT#%!!", I screamed while standing up. I promptly decided not to take that disrespect and throw hands. I clenched my hands into fists and threw an uppercut aimed right for her jaw. Unfortunately she was 58 so I did dislocate her jaw and she ended up in the hospital but an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth am I right? I got a call from my boyfriend Adam asking me where I was. I didn't really feel like telling him I had just sent his mother to the hospital so I didn't. I lied and said I went out for a cigarette and was coming back inside. The police on scene tried to stop me from leaving but they didn't have any evidence to keep me on site or bring me in for questioning since I bribed the witnesses and I bribed the cafe owner to delete the footage with the bitcoin currency Adam's mother provided me with. 

Walking up the stairs to the flat I saw the apartment door already open with Adam leaning onto the doorframe already waiting for me. "Hey hunny" I greeted him. "Hey", he replied, staring at my soaked shirt yet choosing to stay silent. "So uh, have you seen an elderly lady around her 50s in the area? My mother was supposed to visit a little while ago. I put on my best innocent look and ask him confusedly, "You have a mother?"

He looked at me confused, "yes? I do. Why wouldn't I?" I shrugged and shook my head. "No reason, you just always struck me as the orphan type". He gave me a well deserved look and began speaking when suddenly his voice became inaudible because of high winds. There was a whooshing noise that sounded oddly enough like a helicopter. This was already a strange enough situation, until I noticed that Adam's face had gone completely pale. I could tell that he was clenching his jaw and he looked really tense. this was weird. I hesitated but decided to ask anyway "Um, what's going on?" He seemed surprised by my voice, like he forgot I was even there. "No time to explain" He yelled before picking me up and sprinting down the apartment complex stairs. Going down 5 flights of stairs must been taking too long because suddenly Adam jumped through and shattered the window, unfortunately making me bare most of the impact but it's whatever. He landed on 2 feet like an agile cat and started sprinting. I heard men yelling behind us but my neck was locked in position and it was completely immobile. I honestly wasn't too concerned until I heard the sounds of shots being fired. The bullets strayed all around us, almost hitting some random pedestrians. I looked up using just my eyes to see sweat forming on Adam's forehead. He was experiencing fight or flight mode and I could see the crazed look in his eyes. He almost seemed to be enjoying this somehow. We made it to a crowded area and slipped into an alleyway leading to a metro. We had just managed to loose them, but I could still hear gunshots and yelling, which means they were still close behind. We got on the first metro that came, taking us out of the city and closer to the borders of the neighbouring country. 

We arrived at the border. The metro could only take us so far so we had to take a bus the rest of the way. We stood in line for a bit before finally making it to the front and talking to the border guards. I don't know what his plan is...we didn't have time to get any necessities from our apartment before running, not even our passports. He also still hasn't told me what's going on yet.."passports?" one of the guards said while raising a brow up at us. Adam didn't say anything and just leaned closer and bent down his body down to the guards ear to whisper something. The guard didn't even say anything before letting us pass right through. Out of the corner of my eye I even saw him signing his partner not to get involved. We passed the border without issue and Adam kept avoiding my probing look. I decided not to keep pushing him because I was already exhausted from the days events and I could tell he was too. We continued on in silence until reaching a city. Out of nowhere he walked off in the direction of an old fashioned phone booth and told me, "Give me minute. I need to make a quick call."

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