The lore

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"Oh no I'm gonna be late!", I was panicking internally because there's no way I wanted to be late to my first date with this cute guy I met. This is the first date I'm going on since my breakup 6 months ago. I checked myself out in the mirror before grabbing my keys off the counter and hurrying out of my small rented studio apartment. Coincidently the restaurant we agreed to meet at was only about 10 minutes away so I knew that as long as I speed-walked the entire way I could make it. It seemed as if luck was on my side because I avoided all the red lights and made it to the restaurant even sooner than I'd thought, making it right on time. I opened the door to the Olives garden and stepped in, looking for my date. I spotted him patiently on his phone in a corner of the room. He spotted me and motioned for me to come over smiling. I smiled back and made my way over to him. "Hi, sorry I'm late", I told him while flashing an apologetic expression. He laughed, "no worries, you're actually just in time", he said while glancing at the at the bead of sweat rolling down my face from the moderate exercise of getting to the restaurant. He looks me in my eyes, "So, what would you like to order?"

one week ago

I was sitting at some coffee shop trying to finish my boss' schedule for the next 2 weeks before the end of my lunch break because I really wasn't planning on working overtime for the third time this week. A worker came around and set down my coffee and sandwiches. I looked up from my computer to thank him and ask for a slice of chocolate cake too. (girl same XD) The worker laughed and wrote down my order on his little notepad. "He's kinda cute.." I couldn't help but notice the cute dimples that formed in his cheeks when he smiled, and the way his glasses suited his face so well. I shook my head and tried to force myself to concentrate on my work, but my mind kept wandering back to that worker. Maybe I should ask for his number later..

Turns out I didn't need to ask for his number later, because he did. After finishing my sandwiches that same worker came around with my cake. "Enjoy your cake" he told me while placing it down in front of me. Before I could talk to him, or even look at him, he started walking away in a hurry. I looked around the coffee shop, yet it wasn't exactly busy. There were maybe 4 other people in there with me, so I was visibly confused as to where he was rushing to. I sighed and looked down at my cake to find that the cake was not the only thing he left me. Sticking out from under the plate was a note. I pulled the note from under the plate and unfolded it to see a phone number, presumably his. I squealed internally and immediately took out my phone to save the number. I decided to wait until after work to text him though because I didn't want to seem to desperate and make things awkward. 

Finally at 6pm I clocked out and took a 15 minute taxi home. After showering and eating a makeshift dinner I finally mustered enough courage to text the number. "Hey, is this the guy from the coffee shop? :)", I repeated the sentence 10 times internally before I decided to send it. I was a bit anxious because I wasn't sure as to when he would text me back, but there was a notification on my phone just 5 minutes earlier and I jumped up from my bed to open it. He confirmed he was and we ended up getting to know each other and just chatting we were forced to eventually say goodnight. I finally found out his name, Adam I couldn't help but say his name a few times aloud. That name suited him almost a little too well. He looked like an Adam in the best way possible. I felt the instant attraction and I was really starting to like this man, and I could tell that he was into me too. He was kind, funny, and had a really nice voice. One that actually seemed oddly familiar. In fact, too familiar. I suspiciously unlocked my phone and opened youtube. I clicked on my favourite channel, "UrASMR.BF"'s new video titled, "Your boyfriend plays with your hair while teasing you for your trash aim in fortnite". A few seconds in I hear him start to speak. "Their voices are way too similar", I mutter aloud, "There's no way right. Right?" I click off the video and go back to my texts with Adam, comparing the twos styles of speaking. After a few minutes I realize that there's no way this could be Adam. They're just way too different. The only thing they really have in common is their voice, but I decide that's not enough for me to suspect his identity. I go back to UrASMR.BF's channel and pick a different video to listen to while I fall asleep.

Back to present time

I'm sitting with Adam at the corner table looking at the menu. All the items on the menu sound foreign and bizarre. I look up from the menu to meet his eyes. "Have you decided what you want yet? Adam asks me knowingly. I smile awkwardly and before I even have to speak, he says "Don't worry, let me order for you, I have a feeling you'd like this." Adam calls over a waiter and orders a couple off the menu. The waiter speeds back to the kitchen and surprisingly they get our order ready within 10 minutes. Adam watches as I dig into the dish he recommended me and raises a brow, "Do you not like it?" he asks slightly nervous. "No, no, this is just surprisingly to my tastes. It tastes just like my grandma's cooking when I was a kid", I shake my head while explaining. The memories come flooding in, my grandmas house, the summers i spent with her, her funeral. I snap out of it when I notice Adam looking a little too deeply into my eyes. I sense the awkward air and start making small talk to get my mind off it. Adam makes a few silly jokes and completely takes my mind of the matter, and I ended up really enjoying the night. I was still smiling after getting home from the date. I even forgot to play an asmr that night, yet I didn't even notice when I fell asleep and when I woke up in the morning I felt more rested than usual. This was out of the ordinary for me since to fall asleep in the night I had to put on asmr because his voice soothed me. Yet last night I had fallen asleep in a hitch without it. I was probably just so exhausted from the day that I was desperate for some sleep. 

A few months pass with Adam and I going on dates almost every weekend. Maybe we could've gone out together more often if it wasn't for my laborious job with strict working hours. I'm basically the backbone of the company, if I don't step up who will? We won't have to worry about making time for dates to see each other anymore though, because we moved in together just last month. We found a 2 bedroom apartment in the heart of the city which makes it convenient for the both of us. We decided to sleep together in one room and use the other as a working station. I needed it to complete paperwork and documents outside of work, and Adam said he would use it for his personal hobby which he hasn't disclosed to me yet.

The painful noise of my alarm wakes me up at 7am to get up for work. I roll out of bed to make myself some breakfast. As I'm cooking some breakfast pancakes I feel a pair of hands envelop my waist. "Morning"

My asmr boyfriendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن