chapter 1 - UrASMR.BF

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For the first time in days I actually finish work on time, even a little early. I happily skip back home, ready to spend the rest of the day with my glorious boyfriend. I silently unlock the door to our shared apartment and sneak into the living room ready to surprise him. I look around the house only to not find him. I approach the last room that has yet to be checked, the office. I open the door ever so slightly to peek into the room. I see my boyfriends broad back and I creep up on him to spook him, but right before I draw his attention I realise that he has a microphone set up in front of him. I stop dead in my tracks, and my boyfriend starts to speak. "hey guys, it's been a while since the last asmr I know I know! I've been a little busy with some in real life things and haven't been able to get online, but I'm back now so let's get right into it!" My face drops and I feel a pit of anxiety forming in my stomach. No..this couldn't be! My favourite asmr producer internet bop has been my boyfriend all along?!?! I gasp ever so slightly but somehow my boyfriend hears it. He whips his head around and his eyes meet mine. His smile drops and we just stare at each other in silence so loud that you could quite literally hear a pin drop. "B-babe it's not what it looks like!" I hear Adam stutter. I know I should probably give him a chance to explain, but all I see is red and I spin a 180 degree angle and begin to head out the door. Before I have a chance to fully step out of the room Adam rushes and grabs my wrist with a firm grip. "Let go of me Adam."I whisper without looking back. I can't bare to face him knowing that the entire time I've been talking to Adam about himself. This was so embarrassing. I felt hot tears begin to well up in my eyes and I tried blinking them away to no avail. "Y/n please. Look at me", he pleads with me. I choke out a sob and manage to break free from his grip. "please, just give me some time", I say now almost on the verge of tears. "No y/n, you know I can't do that. If I do that'll probably be the last time I ever see you." He said firmly. I mean he was right. I was planning on catching the earliest flight and fleeing the country. I hate being lied to the most.

Adam clasped both my shoulders with each hand and spun me around so that I would be facing him. "Listen, I'm sorry. I've just been waiting and waiting for the right time to tell you but it just never came. Please, please forgive me". He croaked. I could see now that he was getting close to tears too. I could tell he didn't want to lose me, and truthfully, I didn't want to lose him either. "Why didn't you tell me from the start" I asked him accusingly. He avoided my eyes for a second before awkwardly starting, "well, it would've been kinda awkward to tell you considering I already knew how big of a fangirl you are.." I felt the heat rush to my face and I couldn't keep myself from blushing. He wasn't wrong but it's still embarrassing to hear it from someone else.. He clasped both my hands in his, "I'm sorry, will you please forgive me", he asked almost begging. His dark eyes glinted in the dim light of the studio. His stare was intense, almost dangerous. The usual smile on face was now gone without a trace, replaced by an expression akin to a hunter stalking its prey. I tried to break free from his grasp but it only made him pull me into his arms with no chance of getting out unless I complied with his wishes. The security his lean but built body gave me slowly made me calm down. I took a few deep breaths and looked up into his face. He was completely stoic and cold. The only thing that gave away his internal anxiety was his racing heart and the hands that held such a tight grasp on my clothes, it made his knuckles go white. I had never seen him like this. "Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry, I may have overreacted a bit." I said while caressing his toe to try and sooth his nerves. "I won't leave you, I love you." He finally loosened up his hold on me and broke our hug to look me in the eyes. "I'll quit my channel if you want me to. I'll do anything." He whispered. I internally debated. Though I loved his asmr channel, he was my boyfriend and I don't really want to share him with millions of other listeners. I had one question that my answer would depend on though. "How much do you get from your channel?"

"I earn about 845k per month" He said confidently. My jaw hit the floor. I was in absolute shock. "You make that much? And you would quit?!?" I asked, genuinely flabbergasted. He looked at me with some surprise. "Well, if you don't like it then I don't want to upset you" he said with full concern for my feelings. I felt touched but I also wanted an early retirement. I didn't reply to him and just walked straight to his set up and sat down in his chair and went on his profile page, "UrASMR.BF". Adam came up behind me and enveloped his arms around my neck. "What are you doing?" I looked him dead in the eye. "Let's make an asmr if you know what I mean".

My asmr boyfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora