[1] A lot to take in, completly unreasonable and irrational

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Currently revising this entire fic! Enjoy the new and improved chapter one (I took the old ones down not sorry ///

Aizawa is a professional and this was a job of a kind that had become disgustingly normal at this point. It's not that he hated the hero work, it's just that so many people were in danger each time he had to do something like this. Usually it wasn't the case that he got employed on such a large mission, but the concept was always the same. He would make sure the civilians were safe, not just because it's his job but rather because of the reason he had a job like this in the first place.

But it didn't matter that he was a professional. Not this time. The man who could erase quirks, ironically got hit by a quirk. And it was a powerful one too, at least from what he's been told "Every single one of these villains' quirks is powerful. They are a dangerous group we need to get a hold of'." By now he could recite the briefing papers, given how often he went over them again and again. Several top pro heroes had gone missing when engaging with this group. No bodys were ever found but all of them were proclaimed dead after years with no sign of them. The HPSC had done one hell of a job covering this up, Aizawa thought.

A quirk affected him. He just knew it. His body started feeling prickly, as if a little electricity rushed through it. Now imagine his surprise when he hit the ground and was unharmed. He quickly deducted it was a simple teleportation quirk because he seemed to be in some kind of living room, taking in his surroundings as he was taught and getting into a more stable stance-

"Holy shit", Someone exclaimed.

Aizawa's eyes met those of a teenager, who couldn't be older than seventeen years old. His eyes open wide in shock, his phone pointed at the hero and a cat who was performing some kind of trick in front of him. Well not anymore, it quickly ran away. His thoughts were racing, he feared he was somewhere so far away he would be useless for the mission. His mind was racing when he realised: "Are you recording?"

The teenager did just that "I'm so sorry I was just filming my cat and-" he stuttered out, getting up and quickly taking a step back. He was obviously scared and confused, anyone would be if a middle aged man in strange gear appeared out of nowhere about thirty centimetres up in the air, plopping down, "Could you just tell me where I am please"

For a moment there was silence until the younger responded "Uh Am Pfingstberg 11, Nauener Vorstadt"

"That does not help."

"Right. Yeah. You're not from here. We're in Potsdam" Pius clarified. Aizawa just raised an eyebrow at that

"Right. Sorry. It's a city near Berlin."

"So we're in Germany thanks." Pius winced, realising and whispering a small sorry.

"Oh well I'm lucky you can speak Japanese then" Aizawa finally stood up straight and adjusted his hero attire. "Actually we're speaking English right now" The teenager casually dropped that bombshell. What the fuck. Is that normal here?

This was confusing. For the both of them, actually. For the hero, because he was now in Germany and apparently speaking English. To him it felt like they were speaking Japanese, but why would he be lied to? For the other it was confusing because in front of him was someone who simply did not exist. And just to make it worse that person appeared out of nowhere too.

The first one to speak again was the teenager. "Well this surely is a very weird dream. I uh-" There was a brief pause "I am Pius."

It was silent once more. "I am Eraserhead, a professional hero from Japan. I suppose I should explain why I am here. I was hit by a quirk and should now quickly get back. I am sorry. I will try to contact my partners now."

"I don't think that's possible" Pius one quickly interjected.

"Why, because of your quirk?" Aizawa asked, trying to activate erasure in order to contact his higher ups. He had no time to waste. But it somehow did not work, that unique sensation when activating it wasn't there, no energy was drained, his eyes didn't glow and nothing happened in general. He just stood there. Staring. Intensely.
"No uhm it's hard to explain. Well you are in a ... different universe? In this universe there are no quirks and no heroes or villains and it's weird. This is a lot sorry I-"

That's new // BNHA x Real WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin