Chapter 27: Date

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 "I don't think I've ever been to a restaurant as nice as this," Yuta's eyes darted around the room.

Toge was uncomfortable as well, despite setting up the date night himself. It wasn't that the people around them worried Toge; it was more about how he would manage to order. Usually, the silver-haired man would go to the same places enough that he could just hold up his fingers to tell them what he wanted that day. The downside was eating the same few foods all the time.

However, this was a monumental occasion. Toge and Yuta were on their first ever official date. Toge had spiked his hair for the occasion, wearing a black turtleneck sweater and slacks. Yuta borrowed Toge's clothes, wearing a button-down with the sleeves rolled up. It was a fancier restaurant, but it was just a steakhouse and not a fine dining establishment.

Yuta ran his fingers through his black hair, "Thank you for making the reservation."

Toge made the sign for, "You're welcome."

"That means you're welcome, right?" Yuta said while fumbling his hands through the sign.

Toge nodded.

"I've been watching some videos online about sign language. I know you use your phone to communicate, and sometimes we talk. But I want to be able to talk to you on your own terms," Yuta said, before raising his hands and signing. "Hello, nice to see you today. My name is Okkotsu Yuta."

Toge gave a small applause.

Yuta blushed, looking down at the menu. When the waitress came to the table, she smiled at Yuta then turned her attention toward Toge. Maybe it was just his imagination, but Toge was certain she was eyeing the man.

"What can I get you two gentlemen to start?" she asked.

Toge couldn't register her face. He was certain she was just an unremarkable woman who probably just smiled out of politeness. Though the thought still bothered him. Was he jealous? It's not like Yuta had mentioned the details of his sexuality in too much depth – then there were their shared kisses.

"Would you like me to order for you? You can just point or text me," Yuta asked, not acknowledging the waitress.

Toge nodded, signing the word, "Water."

"We would both like water. Thank you," Yuta said.

It was then Toge remembered that Yuta worked at a restaurant too. Would it be weird to ask a question like "How is work" when there were bigger fish to fry? Probably, but Toge was still curious if those thoughts ran through Yuta's mind.

Yuta was the first to break the silence after the waitress left, "So, how's work been? You work on the DevOps side of your family company, right?"

Toge blushed, nodding with a thumbs up.

"I remembered you mentioned it in a text once. I had to do a little research into what exactly the company did. I'm not too familiar with telecom," Yuta said.

Toge signed, "What about you?"

"Me? Work has been fine. The owner has been in more recently which is uncomfortable sometimes. But that's a whole thing," Yuta replied.

Good, he was picking up on signs he didn't know. That was something Toge admired about the black-haired man. No matter the situation, Yuta seemed to want to conquer it, even if that was an unconscious desire. At least, that is what Toge thought when remembering the suicide attempts.

"Hey, so. This is a little out of pocket, but for tonight can we pretend that the world isn't in shambles? I want to know all that happened with you, but I also want to just have a normal date night," Yuta looked straight at Toge as he spoke.

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