Chapter 12: Junpei

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Can't the future wait? Time was passing by so fast that Itadori Yuji could see it practically flying by. It echoed the past with startling definition. That was, at least, until Yoshino Junpei took his hand.

The boy stood just an inch shorter than the blonde Itadori. His smile was rare, but precious. His hair was usually oily, but also fine and softer than a puppy's fur. With eyes like the forest, he stared through Itadori as if he were made of glass.

When they met, things were simple. The bullies singled out Junpei for his feminine features and off-brand clothing. Those were the only reasons they chose to begin beating him—until they discovered new ones. The rumors they manufactured were grand and unbelievable, but they were all kids.

"Did you hear about Yoshiko Junpei peeking in the showers?" A random girl in Yuji's math class said.

"Who's that? A transfer student?" Yuji asked.

"No, he's the one who smokes outside the school," she replied.

Someone else interjected, "No, he isn't. He's the one who narked on all the smokers. I heard he's gay though. They caught him in one of the stalls watching guys pee."

"Why does it matter?" Yuji asked.

"Are you friends with him or something Itadori? Has he ever looked at you?" The girl asked.

"I don't even know the guy. How would that even happen? Does he have x-ray vision too?" Yuji asked, gritting his teeth.

The rumors about Junpei started early. At first, it seemed like the school was broken into many clichés that revolved around their various niches. That much was made false almost immediately. There was nothing about that school that inspired "togetherness." If anything, the school was divided between those with money and those who lived off credit.

It wasn't like Yuji was loaded, but after his parents died, their life insurance was put into a fund that his grandfather could use to take care of him. "Be appreciative for what you have," the old bastard always said. He wanted to be cool so terribly that he didn't hear the cringe that poured from his mouth.

Classes always dragged on. The only thing that was mildly interesting was the Paranormal Investigation Club. There was no real reason Yuji found himself only looking forward to those meetings. They became less about investigation and more about the three club members discussing their favorite horror movies, books, and fan fiction. It was a lovely discovery.

That was Yuji's normal for the longest time. The bell rang and suddenly he found himself in the club room with his three closest friends, who still didn't know him that well. Compared to them, Yuji stood out like a sore thumb. He was a blonde amongst the dark-haired population of his club.

It was a Tuesday. Yuji remembered that. He was explaining why it was horrifying to be eaten alive when he heard them. Two boys were outside the club room. Nothing about their words was explicitly serious, but it was the tone that dug its way into Yuji.

"What do you think he'd do if we make him eat white dog shit?" one voice said.

"He'd probably do it, haha!" the other replied.

Yuji's pupils bounced in his oaky irises. Who were they talking about? He felt his heartbeat slow for a moment. Then, he was running. He jumped through the door at mach speed, feeling the wind kiss his face. He turned his head to see the boys walking down the central hall toward the western exit.

They weren't serious. That's what he told himself. No one could be that purposely evil. People needed people. Why would they go out of their way to do that to someone? Yuji tracked them as they left the building. All he remembered were the dull shouts of his club president beneath the screech of his rage.

Trapped Behind Words: InuOkkoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum