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King POV

As Uea left for his staffroom, I insisted, that I needed to chat with the boys, who abused him and to give them a mild warning. To know them better, I went near them.

The concerning look that Uea gave, stated a thousand words as not to hurt those boys. Because, I suggested killing those bastards with the men I knew, but Uea suggested it would not be immoral. That's why I left those shitheads alive yet.

"Hey! Shoe lace!", I called out for one of the boys, who was walkin with his lace undone. I don't know their name, but let me call him redhead. He looked like a moran, probably not from a rich background, I can see in his face. Maybe he is the one that hangs out with the rich mother fuckers.

"Thank you uncle!", he replied mocking me. And the other gang members of his laughed at his lame joke.

Excuse me! That was mean. "Behave!", I warned him in a strict tone.

"Ohh.....Uncle got offended, it seems!", the redhead continually answered my questions, coming forward and trying to fight with me.

As the redhead continued to taunt and provoke me, I felt my patience wearing thin. With a deep breath to steady myself, I squared my shoulders and met his gaze head-on.

"Listen here, young man," I said firmly, my voice carrying a weight of authority. "I won't tolerate this disrespect. Know the consequences of your action, not only for this but for every fucking thing you guys did."

The other boys exchanged glances, their smirks fading slightly as they registered the seriousness in my tone. But the redhead remained defiant, crossing his arms and sneering at me.

"Or what, uncle?" he challenged, his voice laced with arrogance. "You gonna cry to the principal?". It seems like the other boys understood the cue in my sentence, but not this one.

I felt a surge of frustration, but I refused to let it show. Instead, I leaned in closer, my eyes narrowing as I locked onto his.

"No, I won't cry to the principal," I replied evenly. "But I will make sure you regret every moment of why you are living."

Before the redhead could respond, I turned on my heel and walked away, leaving him and his friends to ponder my words. Deep down, I hoped they would take heed and mend their ways. But if they chose to continue down the path of rudeness and arrogance, they would soon learn that actions have consequences, no matter who they thought they were.

This matter must be spoken about in the board meeting today. What are they running here, a school or some rouge breeding place? No one here seems to have respect, no discipline, only attitude. And they are using electronic gadgets inside the school premises! How can this be allowed? As a part of the school management, if not me who would raise a question against this who else would?

The richest kids from the country come here to study, how can such unethical things be taught in a prestigious school like this? This is not the issue with the four boys I have just met, as I walked through the premises of the school, I saw boys and girls making out in the corridor, a group of girls doing tick-tocks in the school corridor, and a live bullying events happening in the school.

When I was so determined to report them all, I got a text message from Uea, asking if I was okay, and there were no issues, and also the mobile number of the 4 students.

I am so happy that he is concerned about me and asks me such a thing. "All good!"(I added an emoji just to make sure he is less worried.) I am so worried now, how did Uea manage to teach in such a school, and did no one ever raise such an issue with the authorities? I walked towards the admin office, with great frustration.

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