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I was so nervous because I had never seen King this seriously! He was playful a few minutes back, but his last message indicates that he has an important issue to share with me. I don't know, throughout the day, I was nervous, about how I was going to meet King.

It was almost time, the school to end. Bidding goodbye to Mr. Foei, I was waiting near the school entrance, waiting for King's red Chevrolet. The kids were passing me, exiting the school gate with happy faces.

"Goodbye, Mr. Anol", Neena, my first bencher student, who crossed me on her bicycle greeted me. I smiled back at her.

"Mr. Anol, the portions for exams are till the Alkene topic right?", she questioned me after taking a few steps.

"Hmm...Yes. Till Alkene.", I answered. And just to get the feedback from my students, I added, "Do you find organic chemistry easy? Or am I going too fast or slow?", I was hoping she to answer.

"For me, I find it interesting and easy. And the speed is correct pace only sir!", she beamed at me. With no more conversations yet to proceed, she was about to leave, but, when an incident has occurred it is better to ask the opinion of students, so I asked her about the fire accident that happened at school.

"Hmmm....I don't know anything about it!", she panicked. Maybe she might have known anything. Why am I concerned about the fire accident, because, I was molested just a few hours before. All the kids would have gossiped about it, and most knew who was behind it.

"Okay. Okay, you can leave.", I just smiled at her. It is not okay to pressure your students to be on your side!

And while I was chitchatting with Neena King came exactly. He came out of the car, escorted me, and even opened the door to me.

Once we both entered the car, he started. "Uea"

"Not here King! My school is still near!", I feared, that if anyone saw us arguing, then the whole news would go like wildfire. Being a teacher is like being a celebrity. Your privacy is always a concern. You cannot be yourself always! Anything or something, you have to sacrifice for the students. Me, I love to grow my hair lengthy. When we were in college, I had hair, that touched my shoulders. King liked to play with them and other times, touch the softness of their hair and tease them.

However after I was recruited as a teacher, I wanted to enter the school in formals, which made me cut so much of my hair.

I don't know where King is taking me, but he was speeding the car at the top speed. I can guess where he is going, from the familiar route. But I am not sure.

He pulled the car before one of the retro-bars! "Seriously King?", I asked him for his wrong choice of place.

He turned towards me and just looked at me shocked. "Do you want me to get drunk on the very first day of the week? I have school tomorrow you know right?", I asked him.

"I know, but there is a more important thing we need to discuss Babe!", he got out of the car and led me into the bar. This bar was our spot. Like we come here when anyone of us is pissed or stressed or depressed.

We also have a VIP membership card here, so anytime, we come here, we are given VIP rooms. I waited at the reception, King showed the card at the front desk, and they assigned a room number for us.

I stood there with my hands folded and staring at him, and his stupid behavior. I definitely would not have come with him, if I knew he would take me to drink.

"Come on babe!", he tried taking my hand in his hand. I never gave in.

But I still followed him. The room was private, waiter would bring in the orders based on our requirements. As we sat by the table, a young man of 20 came in to collect our order, "What can I bring you sir?", he asked.

"A bottle of whiskey!", King ordered.

I gave him a side-eye. Does he want to get drunk? I am not in for this game. As soon as the waiter left, I got up from the chair.

"Where are you going?", he asked.

"I am not playing along with you. I don't want to get drunk!", I responded King.

"Not before you answer me about this!", he showed his mobile phone screenshot.

It was not clear, I looked deeper into it and realized, it the time, I had to confess. "Could you give me an answer for this Uea?", he questioned me.

"I...I", I dragged the answer.

"I don't want you to answer me immediately, just ease yourself and answer, but just answer, what the hell happened to you last Thursday?"

"What happened to you Uea, don't try to hide things?", he asked me.

When I was struggling to answer, the Waiter brought in our Whiskey bottle. As soon as he entered, I took my seat instead of about to leave. "Do I need to pour sir?", he asked in his calm voice.

"No thanks, you can leave.", King commanded him.

King poured a glass of Whiskey into his glass and loosened the last button of the shirt. And he immediately gulped a few milliliters.

Clanking the glass harshly on the table, he asked, "What happened to you, Uea. I insist you say the truth. Why were you all bruised that day on entering home?", he asked.

The screenshot that he showed me was the CCTV video footage of me entering our house on the day of the incident. I was sort of limping in that video.

"Just today, I found this footage. Just open up your mouth and say what the hell has happened! Have I become that much strange person for you to share things with me?", he asked.

I still didn't answer. All I feared was for this day. The day, King would find out about the truth. Immediately, I found myself crying.

"Were you robbed and or beaten up? What happened to you that day? Why did you enter the house in such a condition?"

"Let's leave this and not discuss it any further.", I begged him and cried harder. He pulled his chair closer to me and stared deeper into my eyes, "Please say, is anyone bothering you? I will deal with that. Just say. I realized you have some problem, when you pushed the plates off the table, and even slammed the door and went to your home town. You never have done anything like that before. And you blamed me for something, I am not even aware of!"

I stayed silent, but not my eyes, they started to sweat the tears. He got a little frustrated and got up from the chair holding the entire whiskey bottle and gulping them in a go, and turned against me not facing me. I cannot hold myself back any further and I don't dare to talk before his face.

So, I rushed and hugged him from behind and buried my face deep into his back. "I was rapped, King...I was RAPPED.", my voice went feeble and I almost wetted his shirt with my tears. 

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With lots of love,


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