A hundred reasons why mathematics is TORTURE

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1. It can be difficult to understand and grasp complex concepts

2. There is often pressure to perform well on tests and exams

3. The subject can be abstract and challenging to see real-world applications

4. It can be time-consuming and require a lot of practice and repetition

5. There is a lot of memorization required for formulas and equations

6. Math problems can be frustrating and require a lot of trial and error

7. It can be isolating and lonely to struggle with math problems

8. It can be demotivating to constantly feel like you are falling behind

9. Math classes can be competitive and foster a sense of inadequacy

10. The subject can be overwhelming and intimidating

11. It can be hard to get motivated to study for math

12. Math problems can be complex and require critical thinking skills

13. The subject can be overwhelming and exhausting

14. It can be hard to find resources to help understand difficult concepts

15. Math can feel like an uphill battle with no end in sight

16. The subject can be anxiety-inducing and stressful

17. Math classes can be boring and unengaging

18. It can be hard to see the relevance of math in everyday life

19. Math can feel like a constant struggle with no reward

20. It can be frustrating to constantly feel like you are failing

21. Math problems can feel like a never-ending cycle of confusion

22. The subject can feel like a punishment rather than a learning opportunity

23. It can be demoralizing to constantly struggle with math problems

24. Math can be a source of insecurity and self-doubt

25. It can be difficult to ask for help with math problems

26. Math can feel like a never-ending battle with no wins

27. The constant pressure to perform well in math can be exhausting

28. Math can feel like a tedious and boring subject

29. It can be hard to stay motivated to study for math exams

30. Math can feel like an insurmountable obstacle

31. The subject can be overwhelming and discouraging

32. It can be demoralizing to constantly feel like you are falling behind in math

33. Math problems can be confusing and baffling

34. It can feel like a never-ending cycle of frustration and disappointment

35. Math classes can be difficult to keep up with and understand

36. It can be hard to see progress and improvement in math

37. The subject can feel like a chore rather than a learning opportunity

38. Math problems can be tedious and time-consuming

39. It can be hard to see the point of learning math

40. Math can feel like a pointless and irrelevant subject

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