Part 2: Path of Diamond

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It was after Jotaro came into the spaceship that he fainted, Josuke was looking around for Koichi and Okoyatsu. He was lost in Penacony.

Josuke: "Aw man, where are they?"

He accidently bumped into someone.

Acheron: "Oh, sorry."

Josuke: "Oh, it's fine. I should have looked where I was don't seem to be a normal person."

Acheron: "I guess you can defy me like that. Perhaps you are lost?"

Josuke: "I am guessing you are too? Right?"

Acheron: "...How did you-?"

Josuke: "Something that I inherited from my father."

Acheron: "What exactly?"

Josuke: "What I heard was that he had predicted his opponents lines.

Acheron: "Interesting. Was he strong perhaps?"

Josuke: "Right now he is an old man, but when he was young, he said that he had fought many battles, of course not battles like mine."

Acheron: "...Mentally or...?"

Josuke: "Physically. I know the metaphor. Anyways, what is your name? My name is Higashikata Josuke."

Acheron: "You can call me Acheron."

Josuke: "...Do you have a real name?"

Acheron: "I would prefer you to call me Acheron..."

Josuke: "Oh, I have no arguments then, oh! Right. I have to find my f-."

Then suddenly one monster attacked Josuke, but something punched it so hard that it fling to a wall.

Josuke: "Gosh! I swear these monsters have some beef with me."

Acheron: "What is that pink-ish and blue armored being next to you?"

Josuke: "Oh, my stand?"

Acheron: "Stand...?"

Josuke: "Oh! Forgot, no one knows here. Well, Stands are the manipulation of life power from our 'soul' or life energy. It can manipulate unique powers and abilities. Either can be handy in battle or situations."

Acheron: "That's quite interesting."

Josuke un-summon his stand, crazy diamond.

Josuke: "Oh, and its name is Crazy diamond."'

Acheron: "It has names?"

Josuke: "Every stand has a name. Most are from tarot cards (Its what I heard from Jotaro), but some of them are just inherited by their user."

Acheron: "I see. Well, Higashikata Josuke, nice to meet you. I am sort of lost as well. But you seem to know where you are going, it's just that you are struggling to find it."

Josuke: "Well, let's try to find each other. Even if talking to strangers is not a good thing- but I feel like you're nice."

Acheron: "..What is that hair style?"

Josuke: "(Don't get mad Josuke...) W-what is wrong;;?"

Acheron: "...It fits on you."

Josuke: "Uh, thank you? Anyways, let's go. Do you remember a bit of where you need to go?"

Acheron: "I only remember a little."

Josuke: "Oh well, that's a start. Say, Archeron, are you a forgetful one perhaps? I mean, your face doesn't look like a person who has forgotten a lot. I mean, it is okay to be lost around here, I can't even get a grasp of this place."

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