I nodded, not trusting my voice. He turned to walk out as I slowly turned around and grabbed my bag by the kitchen table. I headed out the door in the main hall, locking the door behind me. I made my way down the driveway and went through the small door next to the main gate, locking it behind me. I continued down the normal path to the ice-covered sidewalk, down the road and through main streets. I crossed the four-way section between Lavalt street and frel lane. I passed the police station, the hospital and finally made it to the corner of the high school.

I crossed through the fence, watching all the students parking. I made my way across the snow-covered grounds. I made my way through the front doors and watched as teachers, the principal and the nurse all watched as the students came through. A couple of the teachers watched me closely and I moved as the first bell rang and went to my locker. I turned the corner and ran into someone. A solid figure, knocking me down. I landed hard on my butt and slid a few inches back.

I glanced up and saw a hot young man with shoulder length shiny black hair where it looked almost with blue tints. Perfect smooth skin, bright blue eyes, perfect white teeth. He has broad shoulders, a chiseled face, and designer clothes. I could see through his clothes, that clung and formed to his body that he is muscled and solid. He looked down at me and frowned. "Are you okay?" he asked me. I nodded, not looking into his eyes. "Here," he offered his hand. I froze when I saw who stood behind the guy. Tom, with his dark brown hair, his seething green eyes, Tom is one of the most athletic guys in school.

Muscular, stocky, and standing just under six-foot. Tan skin, subtle freckles. His girlfriend Amy stood next to him. Pale, small case of acne, dark blue eyes, with long flaming red curly hair that fell to her shoulders. She is stocky, but pretty. Both were perfect together. They had the same temperament and hostility. I didn't understand the change this morning with him. I grabbed his hand, not thinking about the fact that it was the one John hurt this morning. As he pulled me up, I screeched in pain. "Are you okay?" he asked in concern.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I slept wrong is all," I said. I couldn't meet his eyes and the scrutinizing look he gave me told me that he didn't believe me. "Zal, come on. We still have to show you around," Tom said, trying to pry him from me. "Of course, but he's hurt." I stepped away from him. "Don't worry about me. I am fine. I promise. I have to get to my locker and head to class," I said. I scooted around them all, Amy sticking her foot out to trip me. The new kid Zal was watching everything. "What the hell?" he demanded, snapping at her. I jumped over her foot, bracing against the lockers.

"What is the meaning of this?" We all turned to the voice. Mr. Kent, the principal. An older, hunched man, with dull gray, balding hair and shimmering brown eyes approached. "Nothing sir." Zal informed him. "Mr. Kent remained a sharp man, even in his old age. He wore a sharp black suit with a golden and forest green tie. "Matthew Jones? One more slip and you'll have detention." Zal stepped over to him. He whispered something in his ear, and I saw the principal pale at whatever Zal said. I looked at them both.

"Never you all mind now. Get to class. The final bell is about to ring, and I wouldn't want anyone to be tardy!" he said loudly. Everybody moved to their lockers and then to class. Tom and Amy were close behind me as they talked to Zal. I could feel his eyes on me as I headed to first period. I had joined the band class years ago, figuring it would be a simple class. I didn't realize how challenging the class would actually be. I tried a few instruments, but the only thing that resonated with me was the piano. Mrs. Shelly had a fancy classical piano that she acquired that she managed to donate to the school.

Mrs. Shelly is probably one of the youngest teachers here. She studied at Juilliard, a prodigy, and got there through a full scholarship. She has long blond straight hair, slender and a perfect figure. Her perfect cream-colored skin, and rectangle glasses. She could play every instrument at this school with ease, and she was a really talented singer who, out of everybody in school, had the best voice control. I didn't think they were paying her enough here. I didn't expect her to be a patient instructor either. I figured she would be reckless and impatient. She turned out to be the complete opposite. She knew that not everyone would learn as easily as her.

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