v. The Parts Beneath Your [Endou Mamoru]

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When you saw Gouenji Shuuya standing before the classroom, a wave of relief and surprise washed over you. Relief and surprised because you thought after your actions yesterday, he wouldn't have transferred over.

A needless worry, really.

Then a wave of embarrassment washed over you when you and him made eye contact. Reflexively, you lowered your head while your eyes darted to your desk. When you remembered you had to act out your Endou Mamoru vibe, you tried to mitigate your early reaction by lifting up your head, giving what you hoped was a bright smile and an energetic wave. (In reality, you were giving a shy smile and an awkward wave.)

Gouenji stared at you

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Gouenji stared at you.

You lowered your hand and your eyes to the desk. You were so glad Gouenji's gaze on you was diverted, when the teacher asked for Gouenji to head on over to his seat.

But you then felt his gaze on you once more during class hour. You did your very best not to shiver and look his way. Still, a question lingered in your head:

Did Gouenji ever stare at Endou like this too?

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You really wanted to approach Gouenji after class. You really did. Not only did you have to return his jacket, you had to set the course of asking Gouenji to join the club.

Alas, here you were, standing in the corner of the room looking at him. You looked to yourself. Your eyebrows furrowed. Come on, inner Mamoru, inner Mamoru, inner Mamoru. But you couldn't channel that energetic spirit, not with the fact that your head kept flashing back to that moment where Gouenji pretty much saw how vulnerable you were, and those mean words you spilled out of your towards those two jerks yesterday.

"Endou-chan, there you are!"

It took you a short second to realise that Handa was calling you. "Handa-kun? Is there something?"

Handa nodded. "Yeah, Fuyukai-sensei ⸺"

You pulled your lips into a thin line to avoid frowning at the mention of his name.

"⸺ is calling for you. He wants you to meet him in the principal's office."

"N-now, is it?"

"Yes, now. I have a bad feeling about this. Maybe it's got something to do with disbanding the club."

"Disbanding?!" You made sure you were loud enough so Gouenji could hear. "N-no! As Captain of the Soccer Club, I won't let that happen! Aki-chan, try and find a field for practice."

"Ah, o-ok!"

You dashed out of the room. Once you were far enough, you slowed to a walk until you reached the principal's office.

You entered after a polite knock on the door. Standing in front of the principal, Fuyukai (whom you tried not to blow a raspberry at), and Natsumi, you gulped. Even though you recalled what the lines for this scene were, you couldn't stop shaking and stuttering. Your nervousness made you forget what Endou said right after Natsumi told him about the match against Teikoku, so you said instead:

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