Chapter 9 Princes and Queens

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As Bree and Chase stare down at the message on the phone, a thought pops into his head. "Well that's great," Chase cheers as red flushes to his cheeks and does a fist bump in the air. "Wanna go do some research sooner then?"

"Yes!" Bree found a new source of motivation, she wants to figure out the things in her head and what this world really is all about. "Let me shower and get ready first?"

"Of course lil lady," and he nearly hops off the bed and adds "just come over when you're done. I get ready pretty quick."

She giggles and replies "of course you do." Once he exists the room she darts straight into the bathroom.

Her body feels much better today, back to normal actually, so she moves with ease. It doesn't take her long to wash her body, pick an outfit, and do some light makeup. She incorporates a small silver chain and some dainty rings to her outfit that Izabel made her get when they all went shopping. And soon enough, she skips over the hallway and enters Chase's room. As promised, he's lazily sprawled on his couch fully dressed and his hair still a bit wet from his shower.

"Damn, you got ready sooner than I expected," then he jumps up from the couch and leads them out into the hall. Taking this elevator has become an everyday routine for her, and she thanks God that the late September weather is still nice and sunny.

Chase has informed her that the library is in the middle of campus which is a much longer walk than their class building. The spot where the burnt message is at in the field is completely covered off with cones and caution tape. She notices that there's very minimal students outside, but there are older individuals crowding around the burnt grass seemingly taking pictures and discussing something.

"Who are those people?" Bree can't help but stare at them while they're in line to grab breakfast burritos and smoothies.

Chase peers over to the people Bree's never seen before and rolls his eyes. "People from Valencia, I'm pretty sure they're all from castle," then quickly orders some food and hands the cashier his debit card.

"You don't like them?" Bree asks with curiosity.

Chase shrugs then hands her portion of food. "It's not that I don't like them, more that I can't stand them. They're just snobs and douche bags in my opinion."

Bree giggles and takes a sip of her PB&J and berry smoothie. "What are they doing?"

He quickly entangles his arm around hers to steer her in the opposite direction of their sight in order to avoid any sort of interaction. "Not sure, probably analyzing what caused the message and what it could possible mean," he lets go of her arm once they're on the back path to the library. His cheeks have some red in them indicating he's hiding some of his nerves.

Whenever the people of the castle from Valencia get involved with anything, something always gets messy. They love order and knowledge and want to control all of it. Despite wanting to protect the people from adversity, they do a lot of lying and hiding. They have a whole museum of ancient history in the catacombs beneath the castle, but all that knowledge is hidden from the public. No one knows what's down there, and the prince and princess are living nightmares flooded with pride and parent's riches.

They reach the library building in about 10 minutes. And this building is similar to their class building with the pointed roof tops and modern styled exterior. It's a lot bigger though, probably 3 stories, with many front facing windows. Inside there's no lobby or receptionist area, rather it leads you straight to a spiral of book cases and desks lining all around the perimeter. In the middle of the space there's an older lady behind a desk that's encircled and this is where people come to check out or ask for information. There's a couple doors leading to empty office spaces and then a big cinderella looking staircase on the edge leading upstairs.

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