Chapter 6 Family Ties

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Staring back at Francine's bright blue silver blue eyes is Bree's blood test. She's been in the same sitting position by her desk with her hands pushing on her temples for the past hour now. With everything in her body, she wishes her eyes are deceiving her.

"Hey," and the melodic voice of Chase Morgenstern startles her out of her position. He easily notices that he's caught her off guard. "Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you."

"It's okay, sit," her voice comes out scary calm and demanding. The dark circles on her eyes are new to him, and it's very rare to see her lacking anything, but it's obvious to him that she didn't sleep well last night. "Her blood test came back, and her brain scans from the cognitive testing are immaculate."

And those simple words are enough for nerves to let loose in his entire body. His heart falls into his stomach, as he already has a feeling it's something bad. Francine swiftly slides over the two pieces of paper for him to read. He hesitates but slowly pulls his eyes down towards the paper.

Bree's blood test indicate she has demon blood, human blood and goddess blood. Knowing Genevieve's history and her own mental state he's not shocked about the demon part - in fact he was expecting that - and he knows Genevieve was born as a human. But the Goddess part is what has him confused. "How does she have Goddess blood in her? How can one have both?"

And he now realizes this is what has caused Francine's dark circles. All they've known is that one either possess light magic - gifted from the gods, or dark magic - gifted from demons. Down worlders, such as warlocks and witches, faeries, vampires and werewolves are their own type of species - but when it comes to powers, it's light or dark.

"I don't know, it makes no sense," Francine looks at the blood test again thinking if she stares long enough it might change. "Who are her biological parents? The ones who gave birth to her in this world 18 years ago?"

"No clue, she said she was in foster care her whole childhood," and now Chase stares off in awe now as well. The Ritcher family tree was rumored to end with Genevieve, as after she died by a sword, there was no one after her. But that can't be right because Bree would then have to be an exact reincarnation of her, which she isn't. Genevieve was born human and was introduced to demonic magic sometime during adolescents, no one knows how she got the Spirit of the Dragon in her, but that also wasn't born with her. Nowhere in their history was she introduced to or gained goddess magic.

"Her family tree isn't accurate, there's probably something the historians missed," now Francines voice has concern in it. "She said she saw a man in the mirror, could he be connected to any of this?"

"I don't know," and he truly doesn't. He's never heard of a man appearing in a mirror to anyone before, as that seems like an ability they haven't experienced yet. He thinks back to the prophecy...

When the Dragon and Phoenix meet, it sparks the rebirth of the new world.

The rest is left up to interpretation. Francine is the only one alive right now who has seen the scrolls in person, but they were written in the old tongue and hieroglyphics. When the royal castle of Valencia was established nearly 500 years ago is when the scrolls disappeared off the face of the earth and no one's been able to find it since.

"What if Genevieve was pregnant and the baby somehow survived?" Chase questions.

"That's impossible, biologically because she was stabbed in the stomach and left to bleed out in the ocean - and because the only man she was with was Ethan. And then that'd make you two siblings and your bloods are very different," Francine allows her words to linger between the two of them.

The World I Knew Isn't The Same AnymoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora