| Chapter 3: Buddies Bonding |

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Alex jumped up at the sudden sound of beeping. He looked around, gasping out of the sudden blaring noise. He looked over at his nightstand and realized it was just his alarm clock. Again. He sighed in anger and stopped it.

"Will I ever stop being startled by my own alarm clock?" Alex thought as he scooched off the bed. He remembered last night. Getting lost, meeting N, flying through the air. He wanted to see him again! Alex ran out of his room and to the kitchen, making himself a quick breakfast. Rehydrated bread and Vegemite. He popped the bread in the toaster and waited.

He was so excited to see N again. He hoped he was still in the city. He couldn't believe he had an actual robot friend now! He hasn't made friends in, well... ever. So it was nice to finally have a friend! It was like the universe knew he needed a friend like many other people, so he decided to give him one. Which was a robot! How amazing is that? He was so lost in his excitement that he didn't realize the toaster was already done. He grabbed a plate and a butter knife, placing the toasts on the plate and spreading Vegemite on them.

He remembered back on Earth, how his parents would make him toast with Vegemite almost every morning. And after breakfast, they would go visit the Sydney Opera House, go on boats, look at kangaroos, see through telescopes, and fly around the city. Basically almost all of Alex's favorite things to do! And every weekend night, they would find a grassy hill to lay down on and just gaze up at the stars. Oh how he wished things would go back the way they were.

He started eating his toast while thinking about his past life. Even though he didn't really like his cousins and most of his family was a bit mean, he still wanted to go back to Earth. But then again, if he didn't come here on Copper9, he would have never met N! And N's already a cool drone boy that Alex can't wait to start a friendship with. Speaking of which, he was hoping that N would be able to answer most of his questions he has about them and the spire.

He finished eating and wiped his lips and fingers, putting the plate in the sink. He opened the dishwasher after checking to see if it was done and started putting the dishes away. He had to use a stepping stool to reach the higher levels in the drawers. He soon finished and leaned the stool against the wall, closing the dishwasher and brushing his hands. He went to the bathroom to floss and brush his teeth, really good since he accidentally forgot to do it yesterday. He basically started doing his regular morning routine, alone.

He finished his routine, taking a long sigh and looking around the space. He glanced at his parents' bedroom's door, his eyes darkening with sadness. He looked down. Ever since his parents died, he refused to go into their bedroom. Because every time he would go in there, he would think about his parents and start to bawl. He didn't want that to happen today. He walked back towards his room and put on his clothes, taking his protection suit out of his closet and putting it on. Same for his gas mask. Once he was all ready, he walked towards the ladder and started climbing up.

He decided to take a e-map (electronic map) just in case he might get lost in the city again. He climbed out of his bunker, closed the trapdoor, and set off to the abandoned city once again. He started mapping out the area with his radar while he was walking. He decided to try and find the robot corpse spire that he's pretty sure is located in the middle of the city. He started mapping out his location, not wanting to get lost again.

After a good while, he finally found the spire. It looked different during the "day", that's for sure. It looked a little less intimidating, but still freaky. He noticed an entry way into it that he didn't notice last night when he first saw it. "Ooh! So it's like N's and V's base or something?" He thought to himself as he walked in, taking a good look around the place. He noticed a landing pod in the center of it, awfully similar to his and his parents' landing pod before it crashed. This one must've crash landed here too, but less damaged than his parents' pod. Which his parents' landing pod is way beyond repair right now.

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