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"Nora's P.O.V"

"Nora, do you have everything packed? The train will arrive in 30 minutes," Mum asked from across the house.

"I'm nearly done packing," I answered.

January 28, 2023, the day I'll be officially joining Bloom Dance Academy. I quickly applied my favourite lipstick and mascara before zipping up my luggage.

Suddenly, I got a call from Hikari. She's also going. I guess she wants to know how I'm doing before we meet at the train station. With a smile, I answered the phone.

"Oooh! Yang Nora is going to be the best dancer in the world!~" Hikari sang proudly, smiling so dearly through the screen.

"Pfft, I wish. I looked at the reviews of the academy a few days ago. All the dancers there are so good. I could never out dance them," I denied. "You're also going,"

"Hey, stop looking down on yourself. I bet all the dancers there will be in shock as soon as they see you dance," Hikari smiled. "Anyway, I've finished packing and I'm on my way to the train station. I'll wait for you there,"

"Alright then," I nodded, ending the call. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of my room.

"There you are sweetie, be safe alright? And the most important part, have fun," Mum smiled, giving me a big hug. "You're 18 now yet I'm still treating you like a little girl,"

"Don't worry mum, Hikari is with me. I'm sure I'll have an awesome time there. Be sure to visit me!" I reassured, letting go of the hug. "Bye mum and dad!"

They just waved as I opened the front door and made my way out of the house. I won't see them for a while now. The academy is a few hours away. At least the train station is just a walking distance from my house.

"There you are!" Hikari ran to give me a hug. I slowly put my things down as I hugged her back.

"I don't know if we'll get to see each other in the campus that often since you chose ballet and I chose hip-hop," I sighed, fiddling with my hair.

"I looked at the forum that was posted a few days ago and it says that the dorms won't be according to your dance style, only the dance rooms are. We have a chance of becoming roommates if we both got assigned to an empty room," Hikari comforted, caressing my back. Oh phew.

"Attention passengers. Passengers who are taking the train going to Bloom Dance Academy, please make your way to platform 4, as the train will arrive now. Make sure all your belongings are with you and make sure that you don't leave anything behind,"

"That's us!" I exclaimed, grabbing all my stuff, and waiting for the train to stop. "I'm so nervous yet so excited at the same time,"

"Me too, Nora. Hope it's all worth it in the end," Hikari agreed, gripping her bags securely, entering the train. I followed her as we found an empty seat. I quickly put my luggage in the overhead compartments and sat down before the train started moving.

"How long is the ride?" Hikari wondered, checking the time on her watch.

"4 hours. I'd sleep if I were you," I answered, already closing my eyes. I couldn't hear what Hikari said because I was already half-asleep, or already sleeping.

Time skip

I woke up to the sound of everyone getting up. We're finally here. I could see Hikari stretching and wiping her eyes. I chuckled, getting out of my seat, and grabbing my belongings.

"Do you have all your stuff?" I asked, observing our seats, in case we forgot something.

"Yep, got everything," Hikari shook her head. We both walked out of the train and woah...

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