the talk

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Medora stares at him and gives him a stare but a lovely one . The man notices this and comes to her and compliments her eyes.

" In pools of brown, a world serene,
Where whispers of dreams are softly seen.
Golden hues dance, as twilight gleams,
In those gentle eyes, where magic streams."

He introduces himself as Nevan who is a fabulous poet .They both get along together .

After spending time talking to each other at the cafe .Medora asks if he can come over to her house.

He reluctantly agrees.

When he goes to her house .she is excited to see him looking all tidy .she asks him to wait and turns the tv on for him.she goes into the bathroom to get a hot shower . She removes all her jewellery. She comes out and puts on her clothes .when she is back in the hall .he's not there!?

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