The Winner..

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"Feeling scared yet?"

     "Chara wait.." Frisk gripped the sleeve of her sweater, the faint clink of a frail but small gold locked being tightened around the pressure and there's this feeling of unease weighing her down, although, Chara payed no attention to what he thinks are silly words.
        "Are you gonna fall back?" The tone was lit just like the glint of the orange glow shining from the light, his mind is just blinded in his courage and remained a dull halfway smile after seeing Frisk hesitating. Lust and Pink, standing afar from the corridor but hid behind a pillar to not be seen easily. Frisk just stood there and gripped her sleeves and gave a hard look towards the ground, this duel is a really bad idea.

    Frisk's hand shakes unintentionally, and just gradually lets her arm that is pointing the sword at her brother down to ground level and feels crushed, "I-I can't.."



    Out of instinct Frisk pulled her head back up to the sky, from sudden astonishment and adrenaline rising to her brain she puts her sword in front of her, just before an orange  blade hits the middle of the sword, glimmering sparks from the friction flying from left to right. A shadow peers over the boy's face, a terrifying glow of orange that gazed deep at his opponent's weakness, with one leg Chara pressed down the red blade and backflips to the other side and lowers himself to an opposing challenge.

"Scared?" He tuants.

Frisk, being overwhelmed by his sudden change only stared in silence, now her own red orbs dimming itself under the sun's shine. A feeling of unspeakable madness arose from both sides, her whole body had stiffened and only the pupils dilating every second, but she stares at nothing, her mind blacked out to nothing. For shame..she suddenly sees Chara skipping next to the oak tree, the movement he makes and that wide-open mouth gesture indicates to her the loudest thrill of laughter she had ever heard one last time. Frisk too, the corner of her mouth going ear to ear as she also joined with him a soundless fit, Chara even slipped and fell face flat next to her, but continued laughing, more like a playful chuckle while his hands seems to be protecting an average box, pastel strips and a purple ribbon peeking out from view, both siblings calmed down as they stared at the box, Chara sits up and sets the box in the space between them and he lifts the lid to reveal a strong and pleasant cinnamon scent, the white fluffly cream and golden crust. Frisk felt herself gleaming in joy and was given a piece, Chara then took a piece and devoured the slice with such pace, though he fiercely hits his chest and swallowed, he turns his head to Frisk and grinned in a silly manner. Frisk stared at him and the smile, until her vision got blurry, and more blurry until the whole thing turned distorted.

    Waving each weapon, the sound of metal turns louder, each sibling doesn't look like they're backing down on themselves. Chara gritted his teeth and took the risk to charge at her straight. Frisk froze at the sudden movement, but in the heat of the moment, she can't see anything properly, but it's not by the dreading light of the sun.
A clash of the blade takes over, and the blade plunging into the ground several feet away. A thud of a person falls, then only silence breaks them apart.
Frisk stared down at her blade, then to Chara, who could only let out a small gasp of suffocation, then nothing could ever escape again.
She stared closely as Chara showed a type of reaction, his pupils went small and all the bright orange that be used to display, has been dulled to greyness and look of shock, but he felt more than just that.

"Chara?.." Frisk quickly dropped her sword, made it vanish into air at this point, she tries to help him up by giving him a hand, only for it to be slapped away by a force. Chara climbed up himself, back turned to her and darted to the forest with a speed both haven't seen before.

"Chara!" Frisk teared and attempts to chase him back, but stops in her tracks when Pink darts out of hiding and presumes to restrain her.

"Stop! You can't go!" Pink argued and held on tightly, all Frisk could do is watch him, his shadow then finally disappeared in the endless wilting trees, and she finally stopped- for the weight is already too much for her. Pink sighed and pats her shoulders pitifully, then brushes off the dirt off of her.

"Let's go back." He spoke softly in a sympathetic tone.
Frisk remained on her extact spot, in the corner of her eyes to see Lust standing just at a distance, crossing arms with an upset Lulu squeezing herself further in. But what stood out most here? Lust's eyelights widened, mouth slightly agape, and all it read is the look of terror.

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