the past origin pt. 2: Great to meet you

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(The next day arrives)

3rd person

"SANS! It's morning now!" A girl's voice named Frisk yelled with a bang on the door and went down to the kitchen, Lust's eye sockets flutter up a little and reaches for his phone but fell off the bed on his head

"Ow! QnQ "

"You okay up there!" Frisk asked when she stood at the end of the stairs

"Yes!" Lust replied and rubbed his head for him to be relieved there's no lump or bruise, he quickly got up and changed into his usual hoodie, pants and shoes and turned to his night stand seeing the sane choker he remembered from yesterday, (Oh! I got to take this too) Lust reached in and grabbed the choker and puts it on as he then headed down the stairs, with the smell of tomato sauce with the sizzling from the oil cooking meatballs in the pan.

"! Sans! Take a seat! The spaghetti will ve ready soon!" Pink(Papyrus) charred as Lust walked and took a seat next to Frisk, "Morning Frisk"

"? Morning Sans" She smiled and swallowed a glass of milk, "Are you planning to go somewhere for waking up this early?" Frisk questioned and wiped her face

"Yeah, I think to the library" Lust responded

"Library? That's a first"

"Looks like you don't need to stay home then!" Pink joked and put three plates of spaghetti down

"Haha, funny" Lust rolled his eyes playfully and rolled some steamy golden pasta costed in the red tomato sauce with a side of meatballs sitting on top.


"Bye ya!" Lust called and opened the front door, there's bits of snowflakes falling down from the sky

"Safe travels!" Frisk said as she sat down on the couch facing the TV, Lust then stepped out with a crunch and closed the door.

Lust p.o.v

(Okay, I'm here) I thought as I stopped in front of a large blocky building and headed inside, I hear the heater on inside and warming up the cold from my face and hands, I forgot where I should be searching and headed in the history section, and I also forgot what book I am suppose to look also-

(Silly me) 

But all of a sudden when I turned a corner my foot had hit something by a shelf, (What is this?) I bend down and looked under the shelf, but I did check if anyone is around, I blinked a little to adapt the darkness and see a brown and gold striped book underneath, I gasp quietly and is surprised.

How can there be a book here?

I looked at it a bit longer until my hand started moving and grabbed the book underneath, it isn't heavy but it ain't light either

(There isn't even any title or library code?)





I don't know what this means, but I got up from the floor before a monster sees me and went to get the book checked out.

(Time pass by)

Okay I got the book, it's weird when the library lady at the desk says I could keep this book, but I didn't think much of it and went to a park and hid inside the large ladybug hideout
(Well that's what I call it)

I sat on the ground where no snow is able to get in, I hear a squeak when the blob pops out of my fur and looks at me with it's purple eyes, "Oh, hello" I said to the blob but it looked curiously at the book I got, "Oh this? This is a book " I told them and it looked confused when I opened it and there's...


I kept flipping and eventually found a page, it seems to be a story though with the profile picture as the same as the blob

Lulu: subject of a conspiracy lab session of purple 87x. Subject shown as stable and very active being, but had failed of showing interest of emotion and enjoyment and is thrown away as a abandonment prototype.

I flipped again but the rest of the pages are torn and I closed it, looking up as I try to process, the blob made a squeak and looked at me and I looked back. "Heh...heheheh, you have a interesting history about you huh?"

The blob stared at me in confusion

"Lulu" I called and the blob who flinched in surprise, the eyes turned half-ovals and it flew in circles happily, I started giggling with her too and checked my phone for the time, "! Oh my, it's pretty late now. Come on Lulu we're heading home" I said as I stood up, Lulu stopped flying in circles and flew closer to my neck, then rushed in and hid in my fur.

"Cute" I smiled and headed out of the ladybug and ran back home

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