Sinjin takes charge and a Second Video

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Between Thursday and Friday, Sinjin had second thoughts about doing that's Entertainment. He thought about trying to convince it's group mates the I Ran song but later changed it to Depeche Mode's "I Just Can't Get Enough,". He wasn't against the song "That's Entertainment," but he'll figure that "I Just Can't Get Enough,". He decided to take charge as soon as possible by recruiting trumpet players and even getting Cat, Tori, and Trina to be the dancers in the video before class started and before telling Robbie, Jay, and Ryder.    

When they met for class and got into their groups, Sinjin just said, "We're doing I Just Can't Get Enough and I already got the trumpet players and ladies to do the video and that's final," Ryder said, "Has Sinjin been on a power trip before?" Jay said, "A few times, Also Sinjin I know. Tori did text me about you contacting her doing the video. I'm surprised she said yes. Did anyone else get messages from Tori, Trina, and Cat?" Robbie answered, "I got messages from those three ladies, Ryder?" Jay said, "Let me guess, Tori blocked you, you blocked Trina, and you don't have Cat's number?" Ryder said, "Correct," Jay said, "Let me get you Cat's number," Then turned to Cat who was in the same class and said,  "Hey Cat do you want Ryder's number?" Cat said, "OK," Jay said, "I'll be right back," and he went to Cat. 

Ryder said, "Are we allowed to bring people from other groups in our project?" Sinjin said, "I got people who aren't in this class helping in this video of ours," Jay walked back to the group and said, "Good News, Ryder. Cat has you on her contacts," Ryder said, "Is there a Bad News?" Jay said, "I don't think so, Robbie?" Robbie said, "Maybe if she contacts about her weird brother,"  Jay said, "Don't worry, I haven't gotten those messages," Robbie added, "Yet". 

Jay said, "What are we wearing? I'm not wearing 50 pounds of leather in the video,"   The rest of the group looked at him funny and he added, "Hey, I saw the video for research and I can't be the only one that was the music video, Am I?" Sinjin said, "Do you have a leather jacket, Jay?" Jay answered, "I do," Sinjin asked, "Does anyone have a dress shirt and tie?" They all said "Yes," 

Ryder said, "Are we going to dress up like biker accountants?" Jay said, "Interesting look though I can see it, some of the 80s bands were dressed up in suits and ties and we're mixing the hard rocker look as well. I like it," Sinjin said, "What about aviator sunglasses?" Only Robbie said, "No," Ryder asked Jay, "You have aviator sunglasses?" Jay answered, "I do, I dressed up as Maverick for Halloween sophomore year Remember?" Ryder said, "I thought I was Maverick and you were Goose," Jay said, "I don't remember wearing a mustache. Also, are the ladies wearing black dresses and red heels," Again the group looked at him funny. Jay said, "Again, I have seen the video a dozen times," Sinjin said, "Yes, they will be," 

Robbie said, "Are we going to lip-sync or is someone going to sing?" Jay said, "I know how to play the song on a synthesizer and Sinjin does as well, what about you, Robbie?" Robbie said, "I'm good on the keyboard," Sinjin said, "Looks like Ryder is going to sing," Ryder said, "OK, I know the song," Sinjin said, "Alright, everything is all set," and then the bell rang ending the class it looked like that everything was set for tomorrow.  Jay looked at his phone and saw the pic of last year's Halloween and showed Ryder and Robbie and it was Jay as Maverick and Ryder as Iceman. Ryder said, "Now I remember," Then Jay also showed the pic with Jay as Tim Tebow and Ryder as Carson Palmer in Jay's freshmen year. Robbie said, "You guys go all out for Halloween," Jay said, "Yeah, and I was blonde for a month after last Halloween. Never trust Cat with your hair," as they the class.  

After school, Jay was practicing the song ahead of the video shoot in Calipari's class on his synthesizer alone when Ryder and Robbie came into the classroom to talk with Jay. Ryder said, "Where's Tori? Where's Calipari?" Jay said, "Tori is doing a project for a class and Calipari is at the teacher's lounge, Why?" 

Ryder said, "We don't like the power trip Sinjin is on and we like for you to agree with us," Jay said, "You feel the same way, Robbie?" Robbie said, "I do," Jay said, "On one hand, I do agree with you guys however, I got to deal with Sinjin for one more year and so do you Robbie and why do you care, Ryder? I thought you just care about getting a good grade and that's it," Ryder said, "and fixing my reputation," Jay said, "Fair, sorry to go there. I do like the song however we did agree to the song. What are we going to do? Do another music video?" 

Ryder and Robbie looked at each other and thought about what Jay said and realized isn't a bad idea and then they smiled at each other and then Jay said, "Why are you looking at me that way?" Robbie said, "Why can't we do two music videos? We're going to be done by Saturday maybe Sunday, or Monday at worst and the assignment isn't due Wednesday why not?" Jay said, "and shoot the second video for what? Extra Credit? Another Group Project?" 

Ryder said, "We can figure it out, come on. You know you want to," Jay said, "Don't you guys have work for other classes?" Robbie said, "Let's do it after school Monday, it shouldn't take longer than an hour or two?" Jay caved and said, "OK, I'm in. I'll contact Burf, Joel, and Michael see if they can help us out. Also, are we contacting Sinjin or should I contact that Austin kid whose the drummer from most of the performances in this school or another drummer?" Ryder said, "Could we not contact Sinjin?" Robbie said, "He is a part of the group," Jay said, "Plus he found out anyway, the three guys I will contact will more than likely contact Sinjin after I send them messages," Ryder said, "How about this? Wait until either we upload the video or Sunday to contact them. We just need to post it on the Slap. Can't they keep a secret?" Jay said, "For a time but again, Sinjin will find out," Ryder said, "We just need to buy some time, that's all,"     

Then Tori came in to the classroom and said to Jay, "Hey, how's it going?" and hugged Jay who said, "Hey sweetie, how's the project?" Tori said, "We're done for the day, you want to join us going to the mall?" Jay said, "Sure, just let me put my syn away," Ryder said, "Can I come?" Tori was annoyed he wanted to go but said, "You can but you're hanging with Trina and Cat," Robbie said, "Oh, that's rough," Tori said, "and you're going to join them," Robbie said, "Dang it," 

Tori left and Jay put away his synthesizer, got his bookbag, and said, "Let's Go," and the guys left with Ryder asking, "You keep your syn in Calipari's class?" Jay said, "I can't fit it into my locker and Calipari did buy me the syn, and it's one of a few places I trust to leave it," and they went to the mall.               

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