Chapter 5

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With a heavy heart, I nodded, accepting the inevitability of my departure. Then the royal oracle disappeared into thin air leaving the room in silence and full of tension. As the oracle's words hung heavy in the air, I felt a rush of emotions swirling within me. I turned to Kai, my heart pounding with determination and fear. Without a word, he held out his hand smiling, so I reached for his hand, feeling the warmth of his touch reassuring me in the midst of uncertainty.

"It's time to go." I said, "alright I'm following you." he softly spoke. As we stepped out of the bedroom, I could hear my father's desperate pleas echoing behind us, his voice strained with urgency. I looked back feeling broken as I watched my mother fall to the ground on her knees reaching out with her hand. I turned away, shaking to the choice of leaving without saying anything.

Half way down the hall her heart-wrenching sobs seemed to pierce through the walls, filling the castle with an unbearable sorrow making the torches flicker and die out. But I couldn't bring myself to stop, couldn't bear to face the reality of what was to come. Ignoring the protests of my parents, I clutched Kai's hand tighter, as we made our way through the dark grand halls of the castle.

Every step felt heavier than the last, each moment pulling me further away from the life I had just found. Outside the castle gates, I finally allowed myself to pause, my chest heaving with the weight of my decision. I was struggling to breathe but Kai quickly pulled me into his arms holding me tight. I felt safe and warm and slowly I started to breathe again as he wiped my tears with his thumb.

I looked into Kai's eyes and he looked into mine. "Are you alright?" He said, smiling the best he could, "yes, I think so." I said shaking, he continued to look into my eyes and for a moment I felt like I was lying on a cloud feeling my heart slowdown. "Lets go." he said gently and we slowly started to walk again, my steps faltering at first before finding their rhythm once more.

As we did I pondered, what was that? How did he do that? I really feel like there is something more to Kai and me. Maybe one day I will understand. Hand in hand, we made our way back to the house. I moved with purpose now, gathering my belongings with a sense of urgency. I couldn't afford to waste any more time than I already have. With the house empty and the sun setting on the horizon, I took one last look around, my heart heavy with longing.

But as I turned to Kai, I knew that my future lay elsewhere. Together, we set off towards the mountain with the lake, his wings echoing against the valleys and hills we passed. As we found ourselves at the foot of a mountain crowned with the glistening lake. Kai gently touched down on the rocky terrain, his scales shimmered in the sunlight as they gradually faded, revealing his human form once more.

My mind a whirlwind of questions, I paced back and forth along the lakeshore. "How do we return to the main realm, Kai?" I murmured, my voice laced with uncertainty. Kai watched me with a furrowed brow, his amber eyes reflecting my worry. "I'm not certain, Aisley," he replied, his voice tinged with frustration. "But there must be a way." I continued to pace, a strange sensation stirred within me, drawing me towards the sparkling waters of the lake.

Without a word, I halted mid-step, my gaze fixed on the rippling surface. Kai approached me, concern etched on his face. "What is it, Aisley?" He asked, reaching out, touching my shoulder. "What do you sense?" I turned to him, my eyes alight with determination. "We need to go through the water," I declared, my voice unwavering despite the uncertainty in my heart.

His brows furrowed in confusion. Without question, "Very well," he said, clasping my hand in his. "I'll follow your lead." Together, we waded into the crystalline waters, the cool embrace of the lake enveloping us. As we submerged deeper, the world around me began to shift and warp, the colors blending into a swirling light. Moments later, we both emerged from the water, I blinked in the sudden brightness of my surroundings.

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