Chapter 1

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I loved where I lived, it was so beautiful. It was in a secluded corner of the forest untouched by the hands of time. When I step into this mystical forest, the air becomes infused with a subtle sweetness, carrying the scent of blooming flowers and ancient trees. The sunlight filters through the dense cover, creating a speckled dance of light and shadows on the moss-covered ground.

Tall, majestic trees with gnarled branches reach towards the sky, their leaves forming a grassy cover that shields the woodland floor. The trunks are adorned with vibrant hues of green moss, giving the entire forest an ethereal glow. Delicate flowers of various colors peek through the underbrush, adding splashes of crimson, indigo, and gold to the tapestry of nature.

The enchanting melody of songbirds and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze create a symphony that resonates through the woods which is my favorite part. Magical creatures, both big and small, inhabit the nooks and crannies – from whimsical fairies flitting about with delicate wings and pixies to mysterious woodland creatures going about their mysterious activities.

In this enchanted woods, time seems to stand still, and every step unveils a new wonder: this is my secret safe place I go. It's a sanctuary where the ordinary meets the extraordinary, and the beauty of nature intertwines with the magic that lingers in the air. These enchanted woods seem to beckon me like it knows I seek a place of solace, inspiration, and peace. I love the connection I have to the mystical wonders that lie hidden in the heart of the Willow Forest.

Life at home though was far from pleasant. I always found myself burdened with the most unreasonable chores that extended beyond the typical responsibilities of the farm. My days were filled with tasks that no one else seemed willing to undertake. From sunrise to sunset, I was tasked with scrubbing the floors of the farmhouse until they gleamed, a chore that was deemed unnecessary by others.

My sisters would often assign me to clean their rooms and do their chores cleaning the farm equipment, leaving very little time to enjoy simple pleasures for myself. To make matters worse my parents made me solely responsible for tending to the farm animals, a duty that went beyond the usual chores expected for a child. There were some days where I would catch my sisters watching me.

Seemingly amused by my misfortune and misery and would eventually pop by for a small visit adding more complications to my chores making my tasks overwhelming to manage sometimes.

Despite my efforts I never received any appreciation from my family. My sisters were quick to criticize my work when they never did any, and my parents, aware of the situation, would turn a blind eye to my difficulty, allowing the mistreatment. I was always invisible to them ever since I turned fifteen and didn't get my awakening, anytime I would speak up to them I would get yelled at and have to sleep in the barn.

This morning I woke up from the weirdest dream. I was in the Temple Forest and found myself upon an ancient ruin, as I ventured toward the ruins as everything twisted and turned until a figure with flowing blue hair wearing a majestic crown which looked ancient. This crown was not ordinary; it bore the allure of a bygone era, the War of Belladonna. The diadem of the crown was intricately crafted with vines that wrapped around the wearer's head, creating an ethereal and regal appearance.

These vines seemed alive, as if nature itself had bestowed its grace upon the crown. As they twisted upward, they transformed into royal blue crystals, each one radiating a mesmerizing hue that contrasted with the dark locks beneath. Embedded within the crystalline structure were scattered diamonds, catching the ambient light and adding a touch of celestial brilliance.

The combination of the vines, crystals, and diamonds created a harmonious symphony of beauty and power. Surrounding this enigmatic figure were the remnants of ancient ruins, hidden among the foliage of the forest I had seen earlier, the moss-covered stones and weathered pillars hinted at a long-lost civilization. Anyway today was going to be a long day.

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