Chapter 2

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As the first rays of the sun kissed the sky, I stirred from my slumber in the quaint cottage nestled on the outskirts of the forest. The air was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves. It was time to leave. I needed to be quick before I got caught. I quickly gathered my backpack and duffle bag. I slung them over my shoulders and quietly left.

Not taking a chance to look back. With determination in my eyes, I stepped out into the morning light and made my way towards the village of Prophis. The cobblestone streets were alive with the energy of the market, merchants setting up their stalls, and villagers going about their daily lives. In the heart of the market, I came across a stall adorned with fragrant loaves of bread.

Mrs. Elowen, the wise and kind-hearted elf, stood behind the stall, her pointed ears peeking through her silver hair. I approached with a smile. "Good morning, Mrs. Elowen," I greeted, the scent of freshly baked bread filling the air. "Good morning, young Aisley. What brings you to my humble stall once more?" Mrs. Elowen replied with a warm smile. I hesitated for a moment before explaining why I left and my lack of knowledge about where to go next.

Mrs. Elowen listened attentively, her keen eyes studying my confusion. "You seek the Hoard Mountains, my dear Aisley," Mrs. Elowen said, her voice carrying the wisdom of ages. "That is where the dragon people rest, and the answers you seek may lie within." My eyes widened, but uncertainty still clouded my mind. "How do I find what I'm looking for in the Hoard Mountains?" The elf chuckled softly and leaned forward, her tone now hushed.

"Listen carefully, young one, for I shall give you a riddle that will guide you. In the mountains where dragons soar, seek the ancient door. Three stones align, under moonlight they shine. There, your destiny shall untwine." She said as she handed me a map. I repeated the riddle in my mind, committing it to memory. With gratitude, I thanked Mrs. Elowen and set off towards the Hoard Mountains, guided by the riddle and the map given.

As the sun continued its ascent, I ventured into the unknown, my heart filled with anticipation. The journey ahead was going to be tough but I am determined to uncover the secrets hidden within the peaks of the Hoard Mountains, where the dragon people rested and my destiny awaits. As I left the quiet village of Prophis in search of the Hoard Mountains. I encountered the familiar sights and sounds of the village that faded into the distance. As I crossed through dense forests, babbling brooks, and ascended rolling hills, guided only by the map given.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, I found myself in a vast forest near the foothills of the tall Hoard Mountains. The air grew colder, and a chill settled over the landscape. Realizing I had a long night ahead, I decided to set up camp. With agile fingers, I crafted a makeshift tent using sturdy branches and leaves. The looming trees provided an eerie yet enchanting canopy.

The proximity to the mountains brought an unusual cold that nipped at my skin. In my bag, I pulled out a small pouch of "Fireheart Chili." Consuming a handful of vibrant, spicy peppers made it perfectly warm for the cold night tonight. Emboldened by the newfound warmth, I gathered dry leaves, twigs, and branches to start a fire. Igniting the kindling, soon a flickering flame danced in the darkness, casting shadows that played on the forest floor.

With the fire crackling beside me, I sat by the fire, savoring the spicy heat of the Fireheart Chili. I stared at the stars twinkling above under the celestial canopy and with the spicy warmth within me, I drifted into a peaceful slumber. I had the dream again, but this time when I saw the woman - I realized I was looking at someone who looked like an older version of me.

I loved how the moonlight showed on her hair. I wondered if that was how I would look if I ever awoke my powers or if that was just what I wished I could be. My eyes fluttered open, my heart pounding as I abruptly woke up from the same dream that had been haunting me for weeks. The vivid images lingered in my mind. The forest around me seemed to glisten with morning dew. As I started to make breakfast I prepared Moonlight Honey Toast, carefully selecting slices of elvish herb bread and drizzling them with honey harvested under the light of a full moon.

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