i can't tell you

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⚠️TW: eating disorder⚠️

you wake up with absolutely no energy and decide to shower. you look at yourself in the mirror

"god why am i so fat." you ask yourself
"ugh whatever"
you quickly check your phone seeing that Lucy texted you and asked to hangout. you felt bad because you didn't answer, but you had no motivation to do anything.
you finish your shower and get changed and do your makeup. you make your way towards your door and leave
L: "hey how come you weren't answering your phone last night?"
Y: "oh i fell asleep when i got home."
L: "ohh alright."
you guys walk to roll call together and sit down. Grey talks and then lets you go
L: "go get the war bags i'll be right back"
Y: "okay."
you get the war bags and see Angela waiting next to the shop
Y: "Jesus christ you scared me"
L: "let's go"
you get in the shop and drive around before sitting at a corner on the side of the road
L: "So, i hear you went home to sleep?"
Y: "Yeah sorry i ditched you.. i was just really tired."
L: "it's alright, we still up for tonight?"
Y: "yep."
you guys see someone speed past and drive up behind them and turn your lights and sirens on
Driver: hi ma'am was i speeding?"
Y: "Yes sir you were. license and registration please?"
he hands you his license and registration and nothing is expired or bad on it
Y: "alright sir here you go, we're going to let you off with a warning."
Driver: "thank you, have a lovely day."
you and Angela walk off to the shop and drive back to where you were
A: "you okay? you seem upset."
Y: "yeah i'm fine." you lie hoping she won't see right through it
A: "Y/n i'm a cop. you know you can't lie to cops."
Y: "It's nothing really, i'm fine."
A: "alright. whatever you say. let's go get some lunch."
Y: "Okay."
Angela drives to the food truck you went to yesterday and get Angela's food but don't get yourself any
Y: "Here's your food."
A: "Thanks, where's yours?"
Y: "oh uh i'm not hungry.."
A: "okay.."
you walk away and go sit with lucy and Jackson
Angelas POV:
A: "you think she's okay? she seems upset and now she's not hungry?"
Bradford: "I don't know she's not my rookie."
Bishop: "Maybe she's just not hungry Angela."
A: "i don't know.."

Y/n's POV:

L: "where's your food Y/n?"
Y/n: "oh i'm not hungry."
L: "you sure? you can have some of my wrap if you want?"
Y: "i said i'm not hungry!! just leave me alone!"
Lucy and Jackson go silent and you walk away towards your shop
A: "still think it's nothing?"
Bishop: "Okay maybe it's something."
A: "i'm gonna go check on her."
Angela walks over to the shop and sees you crying
A: "what's wrong?"
Y: "it's nothing."
A: "well clearly it's something Y/n."
Y: "it's nothing just leave me alone!"
A: "Y/n, what's going on. talk to me like i'm your friend."
Y: "you sure you wanna hear?"
A: "yes. talk to me i can help."
Y: "I can't i'm sorry.."
A: "are you sure?"
Y: "yeah.."
A: "alright wanna go?"
you nod your head and Angela drives away
Y: "i'm sorry.."
A: "for what?"
Y: "i don't know. but i'm sorry.."
A: "you have nothing to be sorry for Y/n." she smiles

*time skip to after shift*

A: "hey you still coming?"
Y: "right, yeah of course."
A: "alright i'll meet you at the bar down the road in a few minutes."
you nod your head and go to your car and park in the parking lot of the bar
A: "want to get some drinks?"
Y: "duh why else would we be here?"
you guys laugh and walk up to the bar
Bar tender: "hi what can i get for you guys?"
A: "i'll take two shots of tequila and a glass of vodka please!"
Y: "same for me please!"
Bar tender: "coming right up!"
after about an hour you and Angela are already drunk and decide you should walk home
Y: "hey you wanna come over?" you say slurring your words
A: "yeah sure"
you guys get to your house and fall asleep as soon as you hit the bed

word count 737

sorry it's so short!!

Y/n Diaz, the new rookie (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now