Chapter 2

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After a day of work Ella plans to go home , then remembers the clue she found about her parents disappearance. She puts the clue in her bag and begins to go home .
She gets home after some while, she sees her grandparents dancing to some music.

Ella says , what's the occasion?. Grandma chuckles and say there don't have to be an occasion to dance, Ella says okay and dances with her grandparents. After dancing they all had a drink . Grandpa asked Ella how work was today and she said fine .

Grandma says, if only my daughter and son was still alive it would have been perfect today . Ella said they're watching us from above and making sure everything is fine . Grandpa says she's right. He says I remember when Bella ( Ella's mom) was still a little child . She'll wander all around the house. He says while chuckling.

She always likes wandering around and keep talking about things like spiderman. She always says one day she'll save lives just like spiderman does, that's why she became a doctor. Grandma says, she's saved countless of lives but she couldn't even save her own life.

Ella tells Grandma, my parents are still alive I feel it. I know that my parents are still out there waiting for me and I'll find them , she says with a hint of sadness. She then remembers the clue she found and tells her grandparents, I'm coming I have something for you guys. She goes to her room, checks her purse and brings out the clue she found.

She goes to the parlor and sees her grandparents sleeping, she was touched by the view and then took them to their room. She tidied the place and also went to her room.
She looks at the piece of evidence and thinks where does this key lead to.
While thinking she wander off to sleep.

Meanwhile, somewhere in town , Asher is thinking about Ella and doesn't know why . He thinks what's so special about her that attracts her to me . I've lived for thousands of years but why is she different.

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