008. Gone Too Soon

430 13 2

Song of the chapter : Your losing me — Taylor Swift

I wake up 12 pm and try not to freak out too much by the sight of Callum not waking up with me in bed. I tell myself maybe he left to get breakfast but as I look around I notice his bags are all gone. I pick up my phone and call him again but once again straight to voicemail. What the hell? I send him a few texts to which my messages appear green. Did he block me? Why would we block me?? I literally didn't do anything block worthy.

I pace around the hotel room. We were supposed to be spending the rest of this day together making fun memories before our flight tonight, where is he?

I spend a good half of the day waiting for his return but it's no use, because he doesn't return. Every hour that goes by I feel a sinking feeling in my stomach that only gets bigger. I'm worried about where he is or if he's safe, I have no idea what's he's doing or what's going on and it hate it.

After a couple more hours of waiting I decide to leave my room and head to the floor above, where Jacob was. I knock on the door a couple times hoping he's still there and he hasn't already left back for Chicago.

Thankfully he opens the door and...he's just in a towel. Great. Now I've invaded his space in a way I didn't want to. "Els what's up?" "Hi Jacob, do you think that maybe I could use your phone for a second? I need to make a phone call." "Oh uh sure he says opening his door wider so I could step inside.

"My phones on the counter over there," he says pointing to the small kitchen counter. I go over and pick ip up and dial the number id memorized just by staring at it so long the day he gave it to me. I listen as it rings a couple times, and then he picks up. "Hello?" I hear on the other end. I let out a small sigh of relief knowing he's ok. "Cal, where are you?" Silence. "Callu-" "Why do you wanna know" he interrupts. "What? What do you mean why do I wanna know? I wanna know because you didn't come back to the hotel last night?" I point out obviously. "I didn't know you were expecting me, it seemed like your hands were full with someone else." "What? What are you talking about Callum??" "Babe!" I hear on his end of the line slightly muffled, before he says "Bye Elsie." He says sighing and hanging up.

I'm left standing there in my thoughts. Except I don't even know what it is I'm thinking. Where is he? Who's he with? What did he mean about me?  There's so much going on in my head right now and I don't want anyone seeing me like this. I set Jacob's phone back down on the counter who had by now found his way back into the bathroom, where I assume he was about to shower before he had to open the door for me.

I make my way back into the hotel room and pack my bags. I have a flight to catch in a few hours and I can't miss it. But Callum has a flight to catch too...is he gonna come back for that. I decide to take out of my books I'd packed in my suitcase and engulf myself in reading about a life that isn't mines right now...because what the fuck  is going on.


As I board the plane I can't help but stare at the empty seat next to me. Callum never came back to the hotel room. He never met me at the airport. He still hasn't responded to any messages. And I'm still lost on what I did for him to suddenly act so cold. Why everything we'd built up has fizzled down?

"Hey, can I sit here?" I look up at at the older woman who's holding her suitcase and purse. "Yea of course." I respond giving her a small smile. It should be Callum here, next to me on the flight back. But it's not. I plug in my headphones and close my eyes looking out the window trying my best not to cry. I shut my eyes tight to stop the tears and hope the woman next to me doesn't notice.


Once I make it back to my apartment I'm a broken mess. I lay on my pillow and sob myself to sleep.


I wake up to my phone constantly vibrating, and I check the time confused. Why the hell do I have over 20 insta dms. Ever since Callums fans have migrated over to my account I've had to silence my dms to friends only, so seeing all of the sudden dms coming through made my heart beat quicken. Great, was I getting cancelled or something?

I unlock my phone slowly sitting up. The first dm I see is from Madison beer, it reads, "girl did you Callum break up or do I need to beat a bitch up?"

Below it I see she sent a post from one of those paparazzi accounts, and without fully looking at it I click on it.

What I see shakes me to my core.


Authors Note!
Yea babes I think we need to buckle up

word count - 929 <3

𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙏𝙚𝙡𝙡 // Callum TurnerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin