006. Pack Your Bags

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Today was the day before Callums sister's wedding in which he invited me to be his date, saying it would be the perfect way for me to meet his family, and I'd already planned my 4 day leave from work.

We'd already spent more than half the day hanging around my apartment. Mainly hanging around in my bed.

About an hour ago he found himself entertained with the little nicknacks I have scattered around on my nightstand. "So tell me again why you find pleasure in having these little tiny naked people on your dresser." For context he's talking about my Sonny Angel collection. "Becauseee they're cute and I like them!" I say taking one of them out of his hand to make sure he doesn't damage it. "Uh huh" he says confused, yet trying to understand my obsession. "Well I find it cute nonetheless" he says while placing a small kiss on my cheek and pulling me onto his lap.

He tilts my head up with his index finger and thumb and places a couple more kisses gently on my lips. Does he know that this is actually driving me crazy? Is he doing this on purpose?! I pull away realizing that we can't spend any longer in my bed or else we'll never pack our bags. It's 1 pm now, and our flight is in approximately 12 hours. We have to be up bright and early, roughly by 2 am to get to Paris by 9 am. To make the wedding on time which starts at 12 am.

He sighs needily as I climb off of him and walk over to my closet to pull out my suitcase and some clothes. "You need to go get your suitcase and everything for our flight" I say giggling at his sudden neediness. He clamps his eyes shut, sighing before saying, "yeah, yeah fine."

"Can't we just share a suitcase" he says laying his head back down onto my the soft white pillows. "I'm not gonna lie we're only going for like 2 days but I don't even think my OWN stuff can fit in my suitcase. So I know for sure it's not fitting both!" I say laughing. "Fineeee," he says grabbing his car keys and kissing me two more times. "I'm coming back don't miss me too much." "How could I ever live without you." I reply sarcastically. He grins and makes his way out my front door.

When I hear the door close I suddenly feel alone. Why do I miss his company he literally just left, he's probably not even two steps down the hall? I occupy myself by getting back to the main task at hand, packing up my bags.


When Callum came back over he immediately ran into my bedroom and jumped onto my bed. "Callum!" I yelled slightly startled, but he just laughed and let out a "What!" followed by laughter. "Come here," he says scooting over leaving me a little spot on the bed.

I crawl over to him taking off my slippers, and he lifted his arms so I could lay my head on his chest. "Did you even shower before you jumped up in my bed," I asked. I know he did because I can smell the fresh shampoo on his hair. He gasps jokingly taking offense. "And what if I didn't!" he replies cockily. I roll my eyes "then I'd have to kick you out of my bed duh," "We both know you'd never do that." I gasp now, taking offense, it sucks to say he's right though, he's got me wrapped right around his finger, and I've got him equally wrapped around mines.

I adjust the blanket placing it on both of us, "what do you wanna watch?" he asks. "Anything, it's your turn to pick tonight." I say. He puts on interstellar, which makes us both cry, and I find it refreshing that he doesn't try and be tough or hide his tears, we're both just sobbing like little girls by the end, which makes us laugh.

After the movie we allow some random show to start autoplaying as we lay in peace and giggle at funny parts. He soon drifts off to sleep, but I can't help but admire him as I wrap my fingers around strands of his soft brown hair. I kiss his cheek, and close my eyes as I lay my head in the crook of his neck. I could really get used to this.


We arrived at the airport on schedule. And for the first time in my life I experience the sudden fear that comes with a mob of paparazzi. Now I understand why Callum insisted I wear sunglasses even though it's pitch black outside. I can hardly see my surroundings, the bright flashes blinding me even through my sunglasses., but I feel Callums hand grip onto mines. As I move through the airport doors I'm bombarded with questions from screaming paparazzi that I don't try and answer. "ELSIE ARE THE DATING RUMORS BETWEEN YOU AND CALLUM TRUE?" "ELSIE ARE YOU CALLUM OFF TO YOUR HONEYMOON?" "ELSIE IS IT TRUE YOUR ONLY USING CALLUM TO ELEVATE YOUR OWN FAME?" "ELSIE ARE YOU PREGNANT?"

𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙏𝙚𝙡𝙡 // Callum TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now