Part 4

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Jimin Pov
Jungkook has been here with me for 4 months now and I think I've really fallen for him he is so sweet and beautiful and cute. I know a lot about him vise versa. I don't know if he feels the same probably not. It sucks waking up alone in bed I'd love to wake up with him in my arms and kiss his cute sleeping pout. I highly doubt he feels the same for me no one really does they all just want me because I'm a Mafia boss and I have millions to pay for anything they want. I know Jungkook isn't like that but he probably still doesn't feel anything for me. After a while I finally got out of bed and I freshened up and changed.

I'm not going anywhere today I decided to take the day off and have my men take care of whatever needs to be done

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I'm not going anywhere today I decided to take the day off and have my men take care of whatever needs to be done. I went downstairs and saw him making breakfast in my shirt.

I'm sure he probably didn't realize it was my shirt

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I'm sure he probably didn't realize it was my shirt. I don't think he'd purposely do that I wish he would though. I never knew he'd look so good in it.
Kook:Jiminie why do you keep looking at me like that
Oh huh um that's my shirt
Kook:O..Oh I know
Oh you do
Kook:I thought it looked comfy so I put it on I can change
No no it's cute I love it
Kook:Thank you
He blushed and looked away. I just want to wrap my arms around him so badly. He finished cooking and we sat down and ate.
Kook:You are staying home
I am, I told my men to deal with whatever needs to be done
He giggled and after we were done eating we went into the living room and he sat next to me and he looked down.
What's wrong
Kook:Huh it's um nothing
What is it look at me. He looked up at me and quickly looked away.
Kook:It's nothing
I know your lying
Kook:How do you know
Because when you lie your eyes get narrow and you avoid eye contact and when you tell the truth your eyes get big and wide and glossy
Kook:W..Well I'm not lying
You are lying are you afraid to tell me. He nodded and looked down.
Why did someone hurt you
Kook:Huh no no, no one did
Then what is it
Kook:I can't tell you because it will ruin it
Ruin what
Kook: Everything
What do you mean
Kook:Do you promise not to get mad
Of course how could I ever get mad at you
He bit his lip and looked up at me.
Kook:I..I'm in love with you and I've been for a while and I know you probably don't feel the same
Your in love with me. He nodded and looked down and I wrapped my arm around him.
Darling I feel the same
Kook: Really
Of course look at me. He looked up at me and I cupped his face.
I've been in love with you for so long I thought you wouldn't feel the same
Kook;Oh well I do that's why I took your shirt so it would feel like you were holding me
You are too cute and I've always wanted you in my arms. I pulled him close to me and held him tightly and he snuggled into my chest.
Kook:I always wanted to be held like this by you
Me too. I looked down at his lips and back at him.
Can I. He nodded and I kissed him deeply and he wrapped his arms around my neck and made it deeper.
I always wanted to kiss you
Kook;I always wanted you to
I'm so happy you are finally mine
Kook:I'm happy too
Kook: Precious I like that hehe
Good I'm happy you do
Kook:What is it
Would you be ok if we slept together I mean next to each other
Kook; Really I'd love to I always wanted to be held while sleeping
And I always wanted to hold someone while sleeping
Kook:But I will need a date
Before or after
Kook: Before but if it's too hard to resist for the both of us then after
Oh ok baby boy I understand
Kook:I really like baby boy
Then I'll call you that
Kook:I'm so happy you love me back
I'm so happy too
Kook: Jiminie
Yes baby boy. He blushed a little and giggled.
Kook: You don't have to keep giving me your card anymore ok I want to be spoiled but with love and cuddles
Ok darling I'm sorry I'm just used to people just wanting my money and that's it
Kook:That's ok Jiminie I want more than that
I'm happy you do and I'll make sure I spoil you everyday
Kook:You better hehe
And you can wear my clothes all you want Baby boy
Kook:Yay I will everyday
Good I'd love to see that
Kook: Jiminie so what do you do
Oh for work
Kook:Yeah I assume your in a gang or something because you bought me and everything
Oh well I'm a Mafia boss
Kook:Oh cool I guess that makes sense as to why you have millions
Yeah I have a lot of money usually when people find out they get scared and leave
Kook:Huh I'd never leave
You are such an angel
Kook:Thank you, you are so sweet
How about we watch your favorite movie and we cuddle hmm
Kook:Yes please
He snuggled into my chest and I put on iron man and we watched it and cuddled the whole night with me planting little kisses on his head every minute or so.

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