Tribes - Headcanons

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- They have the biggest ears that help to release heat

- SandWing bodies are covered in little spikes to help trap water

- SandWings have webs between their feet that wide them, and help them walk on the sand with better grip

- They have barely visible humps in between their wings, similar to camels, which are emergency fat reserves that can be used if there is no food or water available

- Every SandWing has some dark patterns, but some have more and that gives them a better rank in society. These strikes and markings originated to help focus vision during the sunny daytime


- IceWings on the outskirts of the kingdom still paint their scales with intricate 'tribal' designs, often in blue blood or paint

- IceWing spines can vary, they can be smooth, sharp, or tusk-like, but all of them can stand on edge and rattle

- They have a layer of fur on top of their skin instead of scales. Beneath that is black skin that absorbs heat. The fur itself has the same mechanic as polar bear fur: hollow and heat trapping.


- They have crocodilian eyes

- Mudwings are the heaviest of all tribes, and so have enormous flight muscles. However, they prefer to stay on the ground and actually don't fly when they can avoid it

- MudWing eggs have a hard, rocky cover that slowly wears away over time, so the MudWing can hatch out of it

- There's a holiday tradition for Mudwings where sibs finger paint each others' wings, in sort of tribal patterns. It is usually followed by dancing. The holiday itself is called Bonding day, or Sibfest, by various villages.

- Some Mudwings can hang tusks or curly horns. It is again, genetic.


- Young SilkWings are born with fuzz, which is lost after metamorphosis

- SilkWings have to eat a lot before their metamorphosis

- SilkWings actually have really long tongues like butterflies that can be used to drink from

- SilkWing antennae can usually indicate what type of silk they will have: Knobs indicate sticky silk, tufts initiate smooth silk, standard points indicate tough and brittle silk, curled indicates stretchy silk, and etc. Flamesilk does not abide by these and can occur genetically regardless of antennae.

- SilkWing wings can come in all shapes and sizes relating to butterflies or moths.


- HiveWings have to flap their wings really fast to stay afloat, and so have the highest metabolism out of all dragons. This means they can rarely survive a week at most without food.

- HiveWings make a buzzing sound when they fly.

- They have mandibles around their mouth that they can actually use to grab food and slice it up.

- HiveWing scales can be purple, red, blue or greenish yellow as well as the standard colours, but these are much rarer.


- They often have actual plants growing on them, and will care for these as if it's their own body

- LeafWing frills along their head and back are actually more similar to SandWings rather than SeaWings, which gives them the illusion of looking like thick plants.

- LeafWings often have tinges of other colours in their scales

- Some LeafWings' scales actually change with the seasons, becoming orange/brown in autumn through winter, and green in summer/spring. Others stay green all year round (referred to as Evergreens)


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