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Jm : Hyungg stopp naaa (jm whinned as everyone is teasing them)

Jin : O-Okk s-stop teasing them (he said while controlling his laugh)

Kook : Why are you guys laughing like you never had done that (he said with a eyeroll)

Suga : Brattt we are not laughing because of hickeys

Joon : Yess we are laughing because 2 cockroaches gave hickeys to jm

And again they brust in laughter

Tae : Ohh now I understand you guys are calling me and kookie cockroaches??

Hobi : No we don't

Jin : Yess its jm who said that 2cockroaches are scaring him

(They are really laughing so hard and Taekook glaring at jm)

Jm : N-Noo w-whe-n did I s-said that??

Suga : Ohh so was it me who said that??

Jm : Hyunggg why you guys want me to get beaten (he whinned)

And Tae stands from his place to catch jm but he already started running

Jin : I guess Tae and kook exchanged their soul

Joon : Yeah

Hobi : Okkk now both of you come and eat you dinner. (he warn)

And Vmin silently come and sat on their places as they know if hobi hyung got mad then they have to pay.

Then Tae just feed his both babbies and himself too. And everyone also finished eating and went in their room

Jm : Sowwy hyungg I was just joking

He said as kook was holding him tightly on his waist with his right hand.

Tae also comes out of washroom.

Kook : But you still call us cockroach

Tae : you know what baby these cockroaches can show you heaven with open eyes😉

Jm : (blushed like tomato) sorry hyunggggg, leave me naaa

Kook : What do you think should I leave him??

Tae : No let's see if he can free himself from us or not

But jm is really feeling so weak between his both husbands

Jm : Hyunggg pleasss leave me naa
I won't say that again

Tae : Okkk but first give us kisses

And jm gave peck on both of their lips

Kook : Baby Its pecks not kiss

Jm : Huh!?!

Then jm again pulled kook first in kiss and after 6 min he smashed his lips on Tae

Jm : Leave mee na now

Kook : And why should I leave you

Jm : umm because you are my lovely hyung naa

Tae : Ohh but someone before said that we are cockroaches

Jm : He is fool whoever said that

(he said pretending like he was not one who called them cockroaches)

Kook : Okk okk let's sleep I'm tired.

Tae : Me too

Jm : Me three😁

Both Taekook laughed seeing jm's that innocent face.

And then they just slept kook is in middle and jm on his left and tae on ryt. As tae sleeps like a star fish so jm don't let him sleep at kook's left side so he won't hurt him.

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