Chapter 2

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The sound of lighting woke me up earlier than usual today, My ears perked up as I fell off the bed onto the carpet floor "...WHY" I slowly sat up rubbing my head, Pissed that my dream had been interrupted it had been a different scenario with Stiles, My face turning red just thinking about it.

I managed to drag myself out of my room, not before grabbing my phone off of the bedside table, Slipping on my duck slippers and making my way to the kitchen.
I yawned and stretched trying to reach a cereal box on a high shelf before giving up, pulling out my phone instead to check my messages, Noticing one from Jenn as I opened it.

📲: Stiles has been leaving Coffee cake on the counter lately, Yet whenever people try to take it he glares at him, Maybeeee he's waiting for youuuuu?~

A small smile spread across my face as I reread the message, placing my phone on the table before standing up, slowly making my way to the bathroom and turning the shower on, I slowly slipped off my clothes and slippers before hopping in the shower, Flinching back at the sudden assault of cold water hitting my face "ACK DAMN IT" I grabbed some vanilla scented shampoo before rubbing it into my fur, hearing my phone ringing in the kitchen. "..The one time I decide to leave my phone." I sighed and quickly finished my shower, stepping out and wrapping a towel around my waist before making my way into the kitchen and answering the phone.

📲: "Hello?"

📲: "Ben! Can you do me a favor and come by the diner later?"

📲: "Good morning to you Jenn, Why do you need me exactly?-"

📲: "I mean I figured we could all hang out todayyy-"

📲: "...You just want me to run into Stiles again don't you?"

📲: "..Damn you're perceptive"

📲: "Thank you, I'll be there in about..10 minutes! See you!"

I hung up the phone and tossed it onto the couch "..Guess I'm going out today" my tail wagged slowly over the thought of seeing Stiles today, I've been meaning to get to know him more so I guess it helps, I ran to the front door before stopping as my hand reached the doorknob, noticing my towel on the floor. "....Right- clothes, Kinda need them" Slowly backing up from the door, I made my way to the bathroom and grabbed my clothes from the top of the sink, a black Gir graphic tee shirt and some faded dark grey jeans, pulling on my Boxers first as I carefully got dressed while being careful not to step in the stray water puddles covering the floor.

After a few minutes I made my way out of the bathroom and Into my bedroom, the Glow in the dark stars now visible on my navy blue painted walls and ceiling, Polaroids and old portraits littering the walls around me, making a note to buy some lights later on today to hang up around my walls. As I grabbed my shoes from under my bed, Slipping my white and blue Nike shoes on before grabbing my wallet and headphones from inside my drawer, making my way out the room to grab my phone from the living room, almost tripping over Cloud, Grabbing my phone and heading to the kitchen quickly, Pouring dog food and water Into his bowls nearly getting some on the floor, Sighing as I put the food back Into the pantry. "I'll clean that up later...Cloud I'm heading out!! I'll see you later buddy!!" I made my way to the front door, Grabbing my Jacket off the Rack and Slipping it on as I made my way out into the Thunderstorm- Immediately getting drenched from a nearby car driving near the sidewalk. "..Today is going to be a long day.."

//almost 700 words- Gonna be making these chapters around 700 words so wooo!!//

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