Chuuyas b-day || Present au || Pt. 2

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And happy b-day to RosyflowerBlossom <3 Hope you like this :>

-kouyosano (idk it's name)
-shin soukoku (a bit)
-maybe a bit of fukumori if you really read closely
-image overload 😅 (Part with lots of images XD)

✧⁠*.⁠。♡ chuuya POV ✧⁠*.⁠。♡

I set down my phone on my side table, sighing. I wasn't sure if I really wanted a party, but here I was, having one anyway. I decided I would open the presents at the party tonight. I walked out of the room, putting my phone in my pocket, and locking the door behind me.

I walked back to the main room, and sat back down on he sofa. Kouyou walked up to me again.

"So, do you know about it yet?"

She asked, sitting down on the other side of the sofa.

"Yeah. My only question is why."

I crossed my arms behind my head, and crossed my legs.

"He misses you, an we both know you miss him, too. Maybe he just wanted to something nice for once?"

She said softly.

"I highly doubt that dumbass would want to do anything nice, much less for me."

I grumbled. She smiled, closing her eyes.

"Maybe he's changed. I know you have, so he probably has, too."

"Oh, he's changed. But for the worse."

Kouyou sighed, standing up.

"You and I both know he's doing better in the ada, and we both know he had a good reason to leave. And though I might not know exactly why he left, I can assume he's told you, and I know you feel it's better for him in the ada, even though you might not want to admit it."

She walked away, and I sighed.

I decided to go to my house, a few miles away. I'd have to walk, since my motorcycle was there, but I didn't mind that much.

I was walking down the sidewalk, the rainy air cool on my skin, the peachy pink petals from the trees around me falling, and the sun gleaming brightly, reflecting rainbows onto the small puddles scattered across the roads and sidewalks. Birds chirping in he distance, the sound of fluttering wings ubove me on the bright green trees. It was a calming, relaxing scenery.

I walked peacefully through the slightly foggy sidewalks, soon finding myself standing Infront of my house. I walked up to the front door, unlocking it with my keys, and stepping inside quietly.

I sighed, taking off my coat, and handing it on a hook, along with my hat, and took off my shoes, leaving them by the door. I walked into my room to find the face I least wanted to see right now sitting at the edge of my bed. Dazai.

"Hah?! What are you doing here?!"

I said, though I already suspected that he only came to talk.

"Hi, chibi!"

"What do you want, Dazai? And why, how, and since when are you in my house?"

I grumbled. He just smiled, and crossed his legs.

"You're house is really boring. You have nothing interesting here."

He said, playing with his nails.

"I don't find interest in decorating my house with random shit."

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