Chapter 3: The Mountain

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The next morning, when Nattawat went downstairs for breakfast, he saw Pakin eating alone. "Where is Naree?" he asked as he sat next to the bodyguard with a full plate in his hands.

"She said she can't bear the idea of eating breakfast with me, sir," Pakin answered nonchalantly.

Nattawat placed his plate on the table and turned to look at him. "Why is that? Didn't we have food together yesterday?" Not only did they have KFC together for lunch, but they also ordered dinner from room service and gathered in Pakin's room to eat at night. Well, not all of them; Aster hadn't joined them.

Pakin nodded. "She said breakfast was her limit."

"Okay, well." Nattawat chuckled. That did sound like Naree.

"I checked up on Mr. Aster as well," Pakin informed.

Nattawat felt his ears moving like a cat, and his back instinctively getting straightened for no good reason. He didn't say anything though, he kept chewing on his food and acted like he didn't really care about that certain mister.

"He still looks sick," Pakin finished his sentence.

What? How? "Are you sure?" Nattawat couldn't help but ask. "I talked to him yesterday evening, and he looked completely fine."

It was Pakin's turn to be surprised this time. "That's strange. I actually visited his room after we had dinner and he could barely open the door. It was around midnight."

"Oh," was all Nattawat could manage to say.

What was happening? Had he been sick since yesterday? If so, why did he look healthy when Nattawat went to his room? Even Aster himself claimed he was fine. Something didn't add up.

"I'm worried about him," Pakin was still talking while taking a bite from his toasted bread. "What indigestion lasts a whole day? He looks ghost white, too. He is not even a human so I'm not sure how to help him."

Nattawat wasn't even listening to Pakin at that point. The food was becoming bigger and bigger in his mouth. They had been on this journey for only twenty-four hours and one of them was already sick. They couldn't take care of the most important and delicate part of the group: The Flower. It was actually upsetting and really disappointing.

"I told the valet to have the car ready in half an hour, but perhaps we should cancel it," Pakin was still talking. "I think we need to let Mr. Aster rest more."

Nattawat placed his utensils on the table and rose from his seat, pushing the chair back. "I'll go and check up on him again."

"I'll do it, sir," Pakin immediately followed him on his feet.

"No, I need to see him myself."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to catch on to his sickness."

Nattawat gave him a pointed look. "I won't catch indigestion, Pakin. You just make sure Naree has breakfast too. I'll be back in a few minutes."

After that, he quickly made his way out of the restaurant and got in an elevator. Within minutes, he was standing in front of the same door, knocking and waiting in the same manner.

This time, the door opened rather quickly compared to yesterday, but this time there wasn't anyone behind it.

"Good morning," Nattawat called out, leaning slightly to peer inside. "Sir, are you okay?"

The door got pushed open a second later and revealed Aster, all ready with his sunglasses on his face and his suitcase in his hand. He looked... okay? He didn't look like a ghost as Pakin had mentioned but he certainly didn't glow like yesterday either.

A Prince and a Flower | GeminiFourthWhere stories live. Discover now