Nine: "𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙢𝙚?

Start from the beginning


Please no.

I try and make eye contact with the woman I call mama but she only grabs her bag, which no doubt contains alcohol, and leaves the apartment.

Leaves me alone with them.

I hate myself for being in situations like these all the time.

It's always me.

Joshua's hand goes further up my thigh and I waste no time in getting up.

I can't let them do that to me. I can't.

I run to the kitchen and grab a knife. Landon and Joshua surround me.

"There's no where to run, Maya." Landon devilishly smirks as he leans against one of the counters, twirling a knife in his hand.

Joshua speaks up, his voice equally as sinful. "Just let us have a bit of fun, babe. You've already caused enough trouble, don't ya think?"

Maybe- Maybe if I give them what they want, they'll leave me alone, right?

No. Papa's words echo in my mind.

"Never let them take your dignity, Maya. You die with that, understood?"

I die with that.

My eyes wander to the knife in my hand. I hadn't realized that it was the same knife that had been in my father, twisted in agony and death.

I miss him.

I only realized how distracted I was when Landon had grabbed the knife and held it to my neck. A sickening laugh leaves both of their mouths.

My eyes water incessantly as I feel warm trails of hopelessness lead their way down my cheeks.

"Oh, darling. You always make it easier for us. Move and it's the last thing you do. Got it, Maya?"

Landon lets the knife graze my throat and a sting surges through my body. I bite my lip to muffle any sounds that will end in my death.

A loud ringing sound echoes through the empty house. I let out an involuntary sigh before Landon's hand tightens around my neck. Another tear.

Whispers sound from Joshua as he talks to whoever it is on the other line of the phone. He curses as he ends the call.

"Fuck man, Matt's waiting for us at the club. "

Thank you, Matt.

Landon sighs and I whimper in relief. His hand immediately tightens on my neck, definitely leaving a bruise along with the cut.

"Not so fast, Maya."

He lets the side of the knife slide itself over my skin, a cold touch burning me.

"Now, listen here, baby girl. I know you've been running around with my brother, Ricky. You see-" He sickeningly whispers, pushing the blunt tip of the overused knife into my skin with each word.

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