Chapter Fourteen: MAISIE POV

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"She needs something to drink," Miles said.

"Not yet. Bring her back to your room."

"She needs water."

"Back to your room. You can get her some when she's tied down again."

Hearing about returning to the restraints caused my wrists to throb. Would they ever allow me to roam free again? Was my mistake going to follow me forever? I would have never attempted to run out of the house if I knew I would be bound by rope. They had the power to take away even more of my freedom.

"No." I shook my head. My voice was weak, but I was relieved that I could speak. "Please. I can't stay there."

"You will not stay there forever," Joseph said. His lips curled into a sickening smirk. How can he be happy about this? "If you behave, Miles will let you out tonight."

"Please, I'm begging-"

"Maisie, I am glad to see your mind is clearing. Be quiet and don't fight. Miles will untie you as soon as he can."

My knuckles ached from the tight grip on Miles's shirt. I looked up at Miles to see him nodding as he agreed with his father's promise. There was no use in fighting. I was never going to win, especially when I was outnumbered by the two of them. I sighed and leaned my head into Miles's chest. Unfortunately, being silent and behaving was my only option.

Joseph followed us when Miles brought me back to the bedroom. He stood in the doorway as Miles forced me onto the bed. I held my aching wrists to my chest and watched Miles grab the coil of rope. I thought about begging him not to restrain me, but Joseph narrowed his eyes when I glanced over at him. It was a silent threat, and I needed to listen.

Miles grabbed my arms and held them about my head. I squeezed my eyes shut as he tied my hands to the headboard. The bandages on my wrists stopped the rope from rubbing against my wounds, but the pain was sharp every time I moved. Miles ran his fingers down my cheek and along my jaw, but I kept my eyes closed.

I focused on my breathing as I listened to them leave the room. Joseph said that Miles could untie me tonight. Would I make it that long? The bandages provided some relief, but it would soon become unbearable again.

The floor creaked when someone returned. The bed dipped, and I opened my eyes to see Miles. He adjusted the pillows behind me to prop me up better and alleviate some of the pain. He grabbed a glass of water and brought it to my lips. The water dribbled down my chin, but I was glad to have something for my dry throat. When he leaned back, I could see Joseph no longer standing in the doorway.

"It'll be better soon," Miles said.

Those were his only words before he left.

The hours passed by at an excruciatingly slow pace. There was nothing to distract me from the pain building between my shoulders and the wounds on my wrists. No one came into the room. More sounds came from downstairs than I anticipated. It was a mixture of voices and banging, as if something was being hammered.

My lips lifted into a smile when Miles opened the bedroom door. Finally, he was going to let me go. He sat on the edge of the bed and untied the knot without hesitation. My elbows shook as I pushed myself to sit up higher. Miles grabbed me and pulled me into his body. His arms were tight around me, and his hands ran across my back. Goosebumps broke out across my skin, but it was not from disgust. I sighed and relaxed into his chest. He smelled like a mixture of dirt and sweat, which was becoming something familiar.

A chill ran through my body when he pulled away. He brushed my hair behind my ears. His calloused hands were rough against my cheeks. He was quiet while his eyes scanned every detail of my face. I had not looked in a mirror, but I was sure I was a mess. Miles was not disgusted. Instead, he was smiling. It was rare to see his stern face light up with happiness.

"Let's get cleaned," he said. He brushed the back of his knuckles across my cheek, and I did not flinch. "Mom should have dinner ready."

I had been forced to skip many meals throughout my life, but being tied to the bed made my mind focus on the cramps in my stomach. The hunger was amplified as I tried to recall the last time I ate. I only had small bites of each meal they had given me.

How long had I been here? It was all becoming an incoherent blur, and I could not tell if it had been days or weeks.

"I love you," Miles said.

His words still caused a lump to form in my throat. I could not repeat them, but I did not want him to be upset. He could easily tie me back to the bed for as long as he liked. Washing up and having dinner was simple, but it seemed like a treat. I did not want to lose it.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips against Miles. The last time I kissed him was our first night together when I was trying to gain his trust. Now it was no longer about trust but keeping him happy.

At first, Miles was shocked by my actions. He soon relaxed and deepened the kiss. I waited until he pulled away, but my hand stayed on his chest to force distance between us. My body ached, and I was not in a position to allow him to use me.

Miles was still smiling when he pulled away. He grabbed my hand and pulled it up to his lips, kissing the wedding ring he had put on my finger.

"Let's go," he said. "I am going to take care of you."

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