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Days had passed after our last... encounter. I told Chan about what Minho said to me and Chan's reply was; "Well, he kinda has a point."

I mean, he was right of course. It's not like he knows me personally or anything, but how was he so sure that i was 'no different than the others.'  Like, come on, really? Did I really sounded like everyone else when I was telepathically communicating with Lee Minho? I... could have just go and ask Seungmin if we were close enough... but the problem was, we weren't and the real problem was, i am the biggest introvert to ever exist...

I was basically eyeing Yongbok and Seungmin from afar as they were sitting together at the cafeteria, making their lunch. I went over to them, sitting next to Yongbok to make myself feel a little comfortable.
"Hi there, you must be Han Jisung," said Seungmin as he watched me taking my place next to Yongbok. "I heard a lot about you."

I nodded my head awkwardly before responding, "i only heard about you from Bangchan since, you know, you're his roommate..." i could tell that my heart was starting to beat a little more faster than usual, meeting new people was not that easy for me. Knowing Yongbok was right beside me made it easier for me to communicate with him, though.

"That's right, i saw you hanging out with Chan a few times." Seungmin said, an easy smile tucked on his face. He looked like he was happy to be meeting someone new, like a silly little golden retriever.

"Hey, didn't you had like questions about Lee Minho before?" Said Yongbok suddenly, turning to me before looking back at Seungmin. "Seungmin is one of the people who knows him well, i told you before."
Seungmin narrowed his eyes at me, tilting his head slightly as if he was wondering what this was about now. "Lee Minho? What about him?" He asked, his voice low.
My eyes finally met his, looking at him carefully, "i have been communicating with him lately." I confessed. "I don't really know how it works but... when i think about him or something like that, he basically answers me... or vice versa." I tried to read his reaction, but he seemed like he wasn't... surprised?

"You mean Lee Minho is your soulmate?" Yongbok asked before Seungmin got to say something. "Why didn't you tell us before?"

"I wanted to be sure first... i only talked with Chan about it, he was the only one who knew about all this." I explained slowly, though Yongbok didn't seemed broken i could feel that he was a little sad that i didn't tell him about this as well. "Sorry i didn't tell you earlier." I whispered apologetically.

"You know, Minho did talked about you before." Said Seungmin all of a sudden, which made me look at him in an instant. My eyes widened as those words came out of his mouth, "he talked about me before? When?"

"He told me he kept hearing a voice inside his head since he was 16, he knew it was probably his soulmate's voice too. He said he heard everything you ever said to him or about him, but he never talked back to you." He explained, choosing his words carefully as he did.
"I didn't know he would give in and start talking to you to be honest."

My eyes lingered on his face for a while before i moved them on my own hands, i was playing with my fingers nervously. So he knew about me all this time? How did he possibly never wanted know more about me and stayed silent all those years when i was here complaining about how i didn't had a soulmate. I wondered if he heard all the times i cursed at him, thinking i didn't had a soulmate.

"You're no different than the others"

That's what he had said before... was that the reason why he thought i was just like anyone else?

"Could i... possibly meet him?" I asked, my voice was barely above a whisper.

"No." Seungmin said, his voice sharp and clear.
"He wouldn't like that. He's... complicated."

I nodded my head, understanding where he was coming from. "And by the way, why is he on pills, if i may ask?"
Seungmin looked at me, hesitating before answering my question, "i don't want to go deep in detail but all i can say is that he didn't had an easy childhood, which... was probably why he didn't talked back to you all those years."

I didn't want to admit it but i desperately wanted to meet him, get to know him. With each passing time, i grew more curious about him. I knew i had a soulmate now, but the fact that he was nowhere around me was kind of hitting me hard.

I had him everywhere, but also nowhere.

"You're wrong... i'm not like others." I said inside my head, i was hoping he would say something back...

But in return, i got nothing but deep silence... he chose to stay silent. Again. But i knew, i just knew he heard me.

I wish we were in a different position right now... i wish i could speak to him, see him, touch him even. But we weren't. It's like we had a huge wall between us that was impossible to get through... i hated that the only way i could talk to him was through telepathy, and that is if he felt like talking back to me.

I had to get through that wall... i had to get to him... i didn't know how, yet. But i'd find a way... "i'm not giving up on you, not just yet." I said again, and there he was, finally answering me.

"Do whatever you want, try as hard as possible... it's not like i care."

That for sure hit me like a knife.

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