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Nonetheless, the truth was out. Mellario told Prince Doran the truth three days before Yennefer's name day, at first he didn't believe her, pointing out her envy and ambitions, calling her a liar, but Mellario swore on her children's life, telling her husband to cut her tongue if she casted a lie.

Furious with wrath, Doran confirms the truth by three other witnesses in service to Yennefer, planted spiders of Mellario, they confessed they had seen the princess in sexual acts with Istred on different occasions.

"Maybe that's why Prince Geralt didn't want to tell me the reason why he annulled the engagement." Doran counters, pacing back and forth angrily in his study.

Mellario sat in a corner, lounged on a rich large cushion, sipping tea and eating butter cookies.

"Prince Geralt only did that to hide the shame of our house my lord husband, he respected you to seal the truth, who'd want a princess without her maidenhead?." She says cheekily her tone laced with pity and mockery.

Doran folds his knuckles, seething with anger. Mellario drops her tea cup on the saucer.

"Imagine what people will say when they learn a lowborn knight suilled our reputation, your standards and morals, Dorne should not be built on such atrocities my lord husband, Yennefer has broke my heart and betrayed your trust, after naming her heir she has brought shame on you as well as your council, and yet who knows, she might be even carrying that lowborn's bastard."

"Enough! Silence Mellario!"

"It is the truth! why do you think she left for Naath, a week before her name day, I am woman, I see things, Yennefer should be sharply questioned for her actions, except you want your reign and House Martell to be sprouted with seeds of abomination!" Mellario says with tears streaming down her cheeks, holding her chest as she broke down.

Doran raged and broke the mirror in his study.

"Rumors will soon start to spread of our daughter's purity, her legitimacy will be questioned, but even if bastards are accepted in Dorne, do you want to place one on your seat as well?" Mellario posed a rhetorical question.

Doran hissed, gazed at his wife with anger and storms out of his study. Mellario wipes her tears and smirks. "Let the game begin." She chuckles wickedly, adjusting her embroidered orange dress.

Instantly Doran summoned all his councils and immediately disinherited Yennefer, naming his first born son Quentyn affirming his legitimate claim as his true heir.

His cousin Lord Oberyn Martell tries to reason with him but Doran forbade him to speak no more and demanding Istred be brought to him.

The dark skinned knight, Istred, confessed his illicit affairs with the princess and also said he loves Yennefer, but out of spite Doran beheads Istred, before he could finish confessing, Doran took his head as blood splashed on his face and on Mellario's dress.

"Hotah!" He calls.

"Yes my lord." The knight strides forward and bows.

"Take my fastest ship to Naath, bring the princess back to me." Doran commanded as Hotah bows out of his presence.

Doran sent a convoy, bearing gifts to Naath, to his daughter on her name day, happily the princess went to meet the entourage that came to her mother land, bearing gifts her father had sent, obviously there were a lot of beautiful things befitting a royal princess, but greatest of them all was the last gift, a fine bronze with Dornish designs.

Elated, Yennefer didn't touch the other gifts but rushed to the chest, attracted by its beauty. As soon she opened the lid of the chest, horror ensued and consumed her body.

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