Chapter 1: Students Introductions

Start from the beginning

"Kukuku, a gang leader, huh? Well, nice to meet you, Tetta Kisaki." Ryuuen-kun looked at him with interest before walking away. However, just as Kisaki-kun turned his back against Ryuuen-kun and began walking away, he instinctively ducked and avoided a kick from Ryuuen-kun to his face from the back. Ryuuen-kun, by his impression, seemed surprised and he went for a punch with his right hand but Kisaki-kun caught it.

"Kukuku, for a skinny guy like you who doesn't seem like a gang leader, looks like you are quite strong, I say." Said Ryuuen-kun with a crazy grin on his face "Why don't we have a fight sometime to see who's the better fighter?"

"Sure, I wouldn't mind putting you in your place, Kakeru Ryuuen." Kisaki-kun said with an arrogant smirk on his face.

"I'll wipe that smirk off your face, you damn cocky bastard." Ryuuen-kun said with an equally cocky grin.

I decided to ignore their conversation and set my eyes to a blue-haired boy with yellow eyes.

"Hehehe, seems like it's my turn, doesn't it?" He said in a childish tone "The name is Rimuru Tempest, and I am the Ultimate King! Hahahaha!"

Holy shit, there was a king among us. But I wondered whether what Tempest-kun said about himself was true or not, since my first impression about him was that he was like some sort of... Chunni, I think.

The next person was the male with blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing glasses, and having an arrogant attitude like Horikita-san.

"I don't want to waste my time just to introduce myself so I will just say it shortly. Name is Byakuya Togami, Ultimate Affluent Progeny." He said with a scowl on his face, to which Naegi-kun, who was accidentally nearby that guy, just gave him a nervous smile. However, Togami-kun noticed it and glared at the brown-haired boy.

"What do you want from me now, peasant? Do me a favor and get out of my sight." Not wanting to start yet another argument, Naegi-kun walked away quickly.

Giving the boy a concerned look, I turned back to the rest of the strangers as introductions continued on.

"Fufufu." Giggled a girl with lilac hair, a short doll-like figure and holding a cane for support, while looking at us with a smug smile on her face "My name is Arisu Sakayanagi and I'm the Ultimate Chess Player. It's nice to meet you."

Seriously, could anyone get any more smugger than this girl, Sakayanagi-san?

The next person was a white-haired man with yellow eyes, an apathetic expression on his face almost looked like Ayanokouji-kun, and wearing a gray bandana around his head.

"Itona Horibe, Ultimate Mechanic. Nice meeting you." Said the guy with a robotic tone. Seems like he isn't very active, does he?

The last two people were a pair of two guys with happy expressions and smiles on their faces: One with yellow hair, yellow eyes, and wearing a ninja suit, and one with wild black hair and wearing a straw hat.

"Greetings! My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I'm the Ultimate Ninja! It's nice to meet ya!" The yellow-haired guy named Uzumaki said in an enthusiastic tone.

"And my name is Monkey D.Luffy, Ultimate Pirate and future Pirate King! Nice meeting ya!" The other guy named Luffy said. Future Pirate King? Excuse me? Are you also a Chunni?

I just shook my head at those words, as the introduction seemed over.

"Alright, peasants. Now it's time to get down to business." Said Togami-kun while also insulting us "We have no time to stand around like dull-eyed baboons."

POV: Kiyotaka Ayanokouji

As our group arrived inside the gymnasium, all eyes turned to look at us but ignoring them I decided to go to a corner and lean on the wall and closed my eyes to think.

It seems that the others had decided to introduce themselves to each other.

While I was deep in thought I suddenly felt a gaze on me. As I opened my eyes I saw the white-haired girl named Siesta Takanashi.

She was looking at me with a curious gaze and when she noticed me looking back she smiled at me and started walking towards me. Her smile was genuine and warm and would steal the heart of all the boys.... Except for me unfortunately.

She would be ranked SSS+ in beauty along with Kirigiri and Enoshima. Those three were the most beautiful girls here in my opinion while those being ranked SS+ in beauty would be Hayasaka, Ludenberg, and Ikusaba.

"Hi. My name is Siesta Takanashi." She introduced herself with that same angelic smile.

"Kiyotaka Ayanokouji."

But there was a question that I actually wanted to ask Takanashi and Kirigiri.

"Hey Takana-" I got interrupted by her.

"You can just call me Siesta." She replied back with a sweet smile.

"Alright, Siesta." Said me "I wanted to ask a question."

"What is it?"

"When you told Shiota about how you weren't comfortable with telling him your Ultimate, that wasn't really the reason, was it?" I said to her, to which she showed a look of surprise before recomposing herself back and smiling.

"What do you mean by that Ayanokouji-kun?"

"What I'm trying to say is the real reason why you didn't tell him your Ultimate was because you actually don't remember it. Right?"

"Huh? How did you know about that Ayanokouji-kun?" She asked with a surprised and curiosity tone

"It's because I also don't remember what my Ultimate talent is." I replied.

As we were conversing I noticed that it seemed like our conversation had caught the interest of a certain stoic lavender-haired girl. As I looked into her direction she walked up to us .

"Hello, I'm Siesta Takanashi." Siesta introduced herself as usual.

"I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokouji." I replied with my same monotone and apathetic.

"Kyoko Kirigiri." She replied with her expressionless face but her voice was very gentle and soothing "I just heard you guys talking about you not remembering your Ultimate talents. Is that right?"

"Yes." We both replied in unison.

"Same goes for me. I also don't remember my Ultimate talent." Kirigiri said.

"Wait, you don't?" Siesta asked in a slightly shocked tone.

"Well, I'm not sure it's the same for you two but if I'm being honest, I don't remember my whole life before waking up on that desk in the classroom. The only thing I could only remember was my name." I said to which they both turned to look at me, shock evident on their faces.

"What? Just your name?" Kirigiri questioned.

"Wait, it's the same situation for me too." Siesta said to which we both looked at her. It seems me and Siesta are also in the same boat.

"I see... This is indeed a strange situation. Why would someone strip away our memories?" Kirigiri questioned.

"I don't really know but whatever it was for it wasnt for a good reason." I replied to which they both nodded.

Before we could continue our conversation someone spoke. It was the arrogant blond guy named Byakuya Togami.

"Alright, peasants. Now it's time to get down to business." Togami said as he insulted everyone in this room "We have no time to stand around like dull-eyed baboons."

"Yeah... You mentioned something about a bigger problem right?" The brown-haired guy wearing hoodie named Naegi questioned.

"Well, Makoto-kun, you said something about passing out and then waking up in a classroom on a desk. Right? Well it's the same for all of us." The blue-haired girl named Maizono commented.

"Seriously? You all too?" Shiota questioned.

But before anyone could continue the discussion, a childish voice that filled people with dread sounded.

"Hey there, Howdy! How y'all doin'?"


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