Fighting oversized reptiles

Start from the beginning

"I have a hundred problems as it is, I don't need my customers to be driven off by a war, especially when I've been itching to move shop for so long."

The king didn't stop. He just planted his hand on his free shoulder once he placed down the crates. Even the bartender could tell that the king desperately needed his help.

He just sighed, taking Rosslyn off his shoulder as he shook his head solemnly.
"I can't. That's final... I'm sorry, but if your friends aren't gonna buy anything, you all gotta go."

The king slowly turned to his people before shrugging and waving for them to go. As they slowly shuffled out the door, he followed, waiting at the door for me, Rosslyn, and Vivian. We tried talking about an alternate plan as the Lanti filed through the door, but there really wasn't anything else we could do besides rush into the rat town like maniacs.

Just as we were about to leave, the tavern shaked. A couple of drinks were spilled, and the owners of said drinks yelled in annoyance. I thought it was just a rock that fell from the ceiling hitting the roof of the tavern, but it was followed by another one, and another one.

We ran out to see what was happening and were met with a few dozen rat people surrounding the tavern. Some had junk spears while others had trash bows and arrows. Behind them were three catapults manned by more rat men.

A rat wearing army, General fatigues pulled out a megaphone and stood on top of one of the catapults as he spoke.

"Attention Lanti and company. You were found trespassing on our land. Therefore, you are our property. You are to come with us willingly or suffer the consequences."

As he put down his megaphone, they readied their bows and spears, as well as one of the catapults. I didn't have any neat trick up my sleeve that I could use to get out of this. Unless Rosslyn turned into a dragon here and now, we had no choice but to surrender.

By the time I would reach for my sword, I'd be riddled with arrows and spears. Rosslyn gave me an uneasy look before climbing on top of my head and yelling back.

"My name is Rosslyn, I am the guardian of Roslantica. You will do as I say, and maybe I won't flay your race alive. You will free all of your captives, and you will receed back to the trash village you came from, never to contest the Lanti again. Do I make myself clear?"

The rat general just picked at his ear and leaned in closer as if he was hard of hearing.
"What did that little rat just say?"

The rat men locked us up in cages as they rolled us towards their village. For such filthy looking creatures, they were organized. They had exactly the right amount of cages, with the perfect sizes for all of us. That, along with the fact that they outnumbered us and had more than enough weapons to make us surrender.

The rat men were easily around 4 feet when they stood, but they definitely had power in numbers confined to very organized ranks. They were a natural rat army, and it was absolutely astounding. I couldn't even be properly irritated by how impressed I was.

We just got kidnapped by slimy little rat people and were being shipped to their village to be used as decoration for the streets, and worst of all, Sedimentia would collapse and completely crush us because of it. If we didn't get free, the six kingdoms would be done for.

Rosslyn and I were put in separate cages, but we were close enough to talk, at least if we did it quietly. She didn't seem happy about the rat people not falling for her bluff, even though she was telling the truth.

"When I become the guardian again, I'll be sure to blow up their village and make it seem like an accident."

Her little cell didn't have bars. Instead, it had fencing to keep her from slipping through the bars too easily. The bars on my cage were too tight to slip through and were too thick to break. If I had my backpack, I could definitely find a way to break myself out, but these rat guys were thorough.

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